Chesterfield, SC 29709
Business District North Side
316 East Main Street

Charles V. Rivers House

Hamp Benenhaley House
Charles V. Rivers in Africa (Early 1900's)
  Katherine Ward Rivers Braswell: This home was built in 1940 and 1941 for my parents. Mr. Carl Brigman was the contractor for the house. Charles and Billy Rivers are seen in front of the house (photo 1948). My parents and I moved into this house in 1941. My uncle, Brevard Kendall of Cheraw Sash and Door, provided the materials; so it was a well-built house. The windows and doors were placed so that a good cross-breeze was generated since this was before air-conditioning was available. The house was located in what had been Grandmother and Granddaddy Rivers's orchard and cow pasture. There were pecan trees (two of which still stand), apple trees, pear trees, and grapevines on the property. My mother lived here until her death in 1997. My brother, who is shown in the 1948 photo, and I sold the house to Hamp and Martha Ballard Benenhaley

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Copyright © James W. Jenkins, 2006