Churches Shiloh United Methodist Church |
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Shiloh United Methodist Church By Josephine Shaw Poole: The History of Shiloh United Methodist Church The first worship service in Shiloh Community of which information can be found, was held on what was known as they Buck Slash log school building that was located on the Jack Purvis place. This location is about one mile northwest from our present church site. Jack Purvis was one of the oldest settlers of the community. His deed record to the property was destroyed by fire during the War Between the States. Harold Gardner, one about present members, is the owner of part of that property today. Harold is a descendent of Jack Purvis. This building served as a church and school for some time. Some say that worship services were held in a brush arbor near the old Curtis house which was torn down. The farm once owned by Rolin Kite, is now owned by Dale Shaw. This was a beginning of the first Methodist Church in our community (about 1800). From this organization came the need for a church building. A one-room log building was erected near the old spring at the foot of the hill from where the present church stands. It has been passed to us that some of the logs used in the Buck Slash building were rebuilt into this log church building. There is no record of how long this church was used, but it is reasonable to suppose it was used for forty or fifty years. This building was sold to Mr. Edd Goodale and is still in use as a barn on the farm of his son, Mr. Charlie Goodale. Some of the members on this first church where: Pitts, Kites, Smith's, Davis’s, Hurst’s, Rivers, Sellers, Merrimans, Purvis’s and Watson’s. In 1866 another church was built just below where the present one now stands. It was a large frame church with an old hickory tree in the front yard. It was furnished with straight back seats, one of which is being used today in our Community Center. This church was built on the land given to the church by Rolin Kite. On record in the Clerk of Court’s office, in Chesterfield South Carolina, is a deed from Rolin Kite to the Trustees all of Shiloh Church and their Successors given on October 30, 1889, book 10, Page 137. This deed states that it was to replace a former Deed made many years ago prior 1865. The first deed was lost or destroyed and some of the records were burned during the war. They consideration on the deed was $10 for 1 acre of land purchased from Rollin kite. Mr. D. P. Douglass and Mr. J. S. White witnessed the deed. The deed also stated that the premise shall be kept, maintained and disposed of as a place of divine worship for the use of the Ministry and Membership of the Methodist Episcopal Church of South Carolina, subject to the discipline usage and Ministerial Appointments of said church. Location was in Cole Hill Township south of the waters of the north prong of Bear Creek and on the west side of the public road that leads from Chesterfield to Bishopville South Carolina. This property is bounded on all sides by Rollin Kite lands. It stated no person owning the land hereafter shall debar the church of the right of way to the spring and use of the water, also the hitching grounds on the other side of the road next to the church. This Church, built in 1866 was used until 1915. This building was sold to a colored Methodist Church; they tore it down and moved it into the town of Chesterfield, near where the Sacony Plant is today. It was rebuilt and is now known as Hurst Chapel. An old church register beginning with the year 1896 contains many things of interest. Mr. Miles Watson, father of Mrs. Clara W. Kelly, was church treasurer until his death in 1935 (Mrs. T. C. Melton succeeded him and has been our treasurer since then). An account of the death of Rolin Kite in 1897 was recorded. Ellen Kite, his wife, was baptized in 1859. They were the parents of Mrs. Miles Watson and grandparents of Mrs. Clara W. Kelly. In the marriages was a record of: D. C. Sellers and Pearl Douglass, December 1906; E. W. Sowell and Alice Douglass, December 1908; Willie Ballard and Lillie Purvis, December 1901; Jessie Gaskins Gaskins and Margaret McDougald, October 1899; N. P. Watson and Susan Davis, December 1898; Aaron Sellers and Louisa Vick, July 1899. Infant Baptism records were: Clara and Bennie Watson, November 22, 1896; P. P. and Leonard Hurst, September 1907; Hugh and Jerome Douglass were baptized, also Emma and Cornelia Pitts, Hoyt and Jim Sellers, Oscar and Della Hurst. In this old 1896 Register, many names were removed from the Church Roll—some by order of the Church Conference and others were granted certificates. By some of the names were the notation “left in disorder”, and by others was recorded, “irregular”. A report to the Quarterly Conference on January 28, 1898 (our church was in Florence District, Cheraw Circuit) said the Sunday school was not very strong but had not been suspended for winter. It also stated that the church was doing very little for missions. The pastor appointed William Pitts, D. W. Lampley, and Miles Watson to assist in making assessments. An assessment sheet about 1916 during J. L. Tyler’s pastorate contained 243 names with amounts ranging from 25 cents to $15.00. Only two members were assessed $15.00. The total amount of the assessment was $483.40. (For the church year 1964-65, our church budget is around $12,000.00. This includes payments on the building,). The Church roll in 1896 contained 170 names. In 1919 there were 273 members. In 1912 Mrs. Marie Merriman joined our church and in 1929 the Middleton family. It was 1919 the family of F. B. Poole joined the Church at Shiloh. In 1921 the T. C. Melton family came to us. In 1923 the Campbell family joined Shiloh Church and in 1924 the W. J. Davidson Family joined. It was in the early 1900’s when Mrs. Sallie White joined Shiloh Church. Register of pastors from 1897 to 1925 contained the following names: C. B. Burns, R. E. Hood, J. B. Weldon, T. F. Gibson, S. M. Jones, O. L. Durant, F. S. Hook, J. F. Fowler, L. L. Bedenbaugh, J. L. Tyler, B. J. Guess, L. E. Peeler, W. P. Way, Gobe Smith, and D. N. Busbee. Mr. Hardy Sellers, the father of Mr. Bub Sellers, traded an acre of land to P. T. Hurst for an acre of land and gave it for the beginning of Shiloh Cemetery. Mr. Hardy Sellers was the first person to be buried in Shiloh Cemetery on September 19, 1910. His grave is the highest point in the cemetery and about the center of the old section. P. T. Hurst deeded to the Trustees of Shiloh Church three and one-third acres on April 11, 1910. This seemed to include the acre for the cemetery and any interest he might have in the Kite deed for the church, since Mr. Hurst was then the owner of the Kite property. When Mr. J. L. Tyler was pastor in 1915, it was decided a new church was needed. It was completed in 1918. This church was frame construction with two doors at the front entrance and a large sanctuary that would seat 300 or more people when including the two wings. There were two children’s classes at the back while the other classes were held in the sanctuary. About 1944, three more classrooms were added. Mr. J. C. King was chairman of the Official Board when these rooms were added. Mr. Aaron Sellers was the contractor for the church and he completed the building in 1918. Mr. C. B. Gardner, Mr. Percy Rivers, and Mr. Miles Watson also helped with the building. Among those who were active in getting this church built were: W. D. Therrell, J. W. Hurst, P. T. Hurst, N. P. Watson, I. B. Merriman, R. E. Sowell, E. W. Sowell, J. W. Odom, J. M. Rivers, and others. Under the leadership of Rev. Gobe Smith about 1933, Shiloh started the Cotton Acre, Hog Raising, and Sunday eggs for Missions programs for the church. Much progress was made in the church and the community under his leadership. Pastors who followed included: E. S. Dunbar, Paul Whitaker, W. A. Beckham, and T. C. Shuler. About 20 years ago the church discontinued the evening services and used only the morning services. St. Paul Church (in Chesterfield), Shiloh and Zoar churches were on the same charge until 1952. Rev. Victor R. Hickman, now Superintendent of the Rock Hill District, was the pastor when work was begun for a division. St. Paul was made a station church and Shiloh-Zoar became on charge, as it is today. K. W. Bedenbaugh was the first pastor for the Shiloh-Zoar Charge and he served from 1952-1956. We built our new parsonage in the Ivy Hill Development in the Town of Chesterfield and Rev. Bedenbaugh and his family, were the first to occupy it. Rev. M. W. Harvey followed Rev. Bedenbaugh, serving two and one-half years before his death. In his passing, we lost a true friend, a great Christian, and a loyal pastor. Rev. Barbee O. Parsons from Hartsville filled in for us until Rev. B. C. Gleaton came to us. While Rev. Gleaton was our pastor, we built our new Church on the same site as the old one. We were fortunate to have our Community Center, formerly Shiloh School Building, to use for church services during the construction of our new church. The pews, chairs, tables, and gas heaters were moved to the Community Center, and the classes were set up in the school rooms and we were comfortable enough during the year of construction. The old church was razed beginning October 1, 1960. Mr. I. B. Merriman was in charge of tearing down the old church building. Most of the labor was donated to raze the church. All flooring, sills and usable material from the old church was used in the construction of our new church. Our new church was made of blocks and brick construction. We held our first worship service in our new church the first Sunday in October 1961, one year after tearing down the old church. Mr. Calvin Rivers and Mr. Joe Hendrick furnished trucks to haul bricks. Our sanctuary is 71 and ½ feet long and 43 and ½ feet wide. The porch is 22 feet long and 8 feet wide. The Educational Building is 64’ 4” long and 30 feet wide. We have ten classrooms with five rooms upstairs and five downstairs. Two restrooms are located upstairs. The basement is the same size as the sanctuary including the balcony. The church will seat 300 + people. Our church was built under the supervision of two of our members, Mr. I. B. Merriman and Mr. Hubert Burch, who are contractors. The Building Committee was: I. B. Merriman, Chairman, Wade H. King, Hubert Burch, Harold Gardner, and Mrs. T. C. Melton, Treasurer. Construction began with $30,000 cash and pledges. Forty-five members pledged $1.00 a Sunday above their first pledges. The total cost of our church building was $52,000.00 (included $50,782.00 cash, $670.50 labor donated, and $547.50 lumber donated). All the pews, except four, were donated in memory loved ones, or in honor of someone. All the windows, including the picture window in the choir loft, are memorial ones. The pulpit furniture is as well. We have electrical heat and the sanctuary is air conditioned. The altar set was presented to the church on Easter Sunday, March 29, 1964 by Mrs. Lewis Wadsworth and friends in memory of her husband. The basement was not finished at the time we occupied the new building. The Men’s club took this as their project on March 3, 1962 while Lindsey Rivers was President. He was followed by Baxter White and Harold Gardner (1964). Former presidents were W. H. King and Roy Shaw. They put insulation and celetex overhead and painted walls, enclosed the kitchen, built cabinets, installed the water heater as well as the sink and stove. They installed an electric heating plant. From March 3, 1962 until now, October 1, 1964, the men have $1,536.75 invested. This does not include the many long hours of labor give by volunteers. The stove and water heater were donated by Mr. Hubert Burch, one of our members. The W. S. C. S. (Women’s Society of Christian Service) members have sponsored barbecue suppers, meals to various organizations, including Civitan dinners twice each month. Their total contribution to the Building Fund as of today is $4,231.23. This work was begun under the leadership of Mrs. W. H. Middleton, who served as president for five years and is continuing under Mrs. Elbert King and Mrs. Hugh Douglass, president and vice-president. Former presidents include: Miss Minnie King, Mrs. Douglas Coats, Mrs. Vernon Gaskins, Mrs. Arthur Griggs, Mrs. Dale Shaw, Mrs. Baxter White, and Mrs. Carvin King. The Shiloh Community Development Club took the beautification of our church grounds as their goal. The grounds were terraced and graded under the supervision of Clemson specialist. Seventy-five loads of topsoil were given by Mr. T. C. Melton and Mr. Calvin Rivers. The Development Club paid $300.00 for the hauling. The grounds were seeded with centipede and Bermuda grasses. $50.00 worth of shrubbery was set out according to the plans of a nurseryman. In addition to this, we erected a bulletin board at the front of the church at a cost of $130.00. The Club also gave the Men’s Club $45.00 towards their basement project. Today the care of our grounds, cemetery, and church is under the supervision of Mr. and Mrs. Horace Douglass, two of our members. P. P. Hurst deeded ¾ acres of land to Trustees of Shiloh Church on March 20, 1964, making about three acres total for the church and cemetery. Mr. Hurst had deeded a strip of land prior to this so that the cemetery could be expanded. Rev. and Mrs. Donald Russell O’Dell and sons, Chris, Russell, and Wesley, are beginning their second year with us. Under his leadership, we have made good progress in erasing the indebtedness on our church building. Today we owe $5,636.00 and we hope to have it paid off in full by June of 1966. Today our church membership is 300 with an average attendance of 155. We have 220 enrolled in our Church School and an average attendance of 172 for the quarter ending September 17, 1964. Ray Gaddy has been secretary of our Sunday school for the past eight years. Vernon L. Gaskins is beginning his first year as Church School Superintendent. Prior to this year, T. H. Douglas, Jr. served for five years (during the planning and construction of our new church). His father, T. H. Douglas, Sr., served for 20 years (Mr. Tom only missed two Sundays in his seventeen years and they were due to family illness). Roy Shaw served for seven years. He is our lay leader now. Mrs. Arthur Griggs, our only woman superintendent, served for six years (1950-1956). She was serving as superintendent at the time Shiloh-Zoar was made a new charge. T. D. Sowell, Jr., followed Mrs. Griggs and he served for four years. His father, T. F. Sowell, Sr. had been our superintendent years before. Other superintendents were G. W. Rivers and E. W. Sowell who served when the church was built in 1915-1918. Today our Church School has thirty teachers and officers. Many have been Sunday school teachers for several years. In earlier years, Mrs. T. F. Sowell, Sr., Mr. Leonard Gardner and Mr. A. May Sellers were each teacher of the adult class for twenty years or more. Our MYF (Methodist Youth Fellowship) group is doing good work in our church. Jack White and Lindsey Rivers are the counselors. Sara Kate Shaw, president, reported eighteen present the last Sunday in September 1964 and they had a good program. Prior to this year, Mrs. Wade King and Mr. Roy Shaw have been counselors and Larry Middleton served as president. Our community has been blessed with having the “Most Important Crop” Children. This year, 1964, there were 70 enrolled in our Vacation Church School under the capable leadership of Mrs. Dicky Davis and Mr. Ray Gaddy. The music in Shiloh Church has been among the best. Mrs. P. P. Hurst has been the pianist and organist for thirty-five years. Under her leadership, we have a Youth Choir directed by Mrs. Parson Rhyne and Adult Choir directed by Mrs. James F. Teal, assisted by Mrs. John M. Poole. We have a good many Senior Citizens in our community. Our oldest members are Mrs. Sallie White, 91, and Mr. Baxter Gardner, 88. They both attended Church on October 4, 1964, through rain and fog. Through cooperation and continuing our work with God’s guidance, we will always feel proud of the past and present history of Shiloh Church and Community. May our future under God’s guidance be more fruitful than our past. (This History has been compiled by Mrs. P. P. Hurst, Mrs. T. C. Melton, Mrs. John Poole, and Mrs. J. D. Campbell and presented at Shiloh Methodist Church Home Coming on October 11, 1964.) Church History Up-Date May 20, 1979 Rev. Donald R. O’Dell continued as pastor until 1967, giving him four years of service here. We are indebted to him for his leadership during these years. In June of 1967 Rev. Charles Kirkley was appointed as pastor. He served faithfully and long at Shiloh. He remained with us seven years. This alone speaks well of him and his family. Among the many things accomplished during his ministry was the purchase of additional land to enlarge our cemetery. We shall long remember his dedication and ministry among us. We are now under the pastoral leadership of Rev. H. Shedron Suggs. He has been with us for five years, having been appointed in June of 1974. During the past five years many accomplishments have been realized and goals reached. Some of them were: homecoming, church bus, new organ, pew cushions, choir loft rebuilt, sanctuary painted, water coolers added, garbage service, umbrella stand, wall sconces, monthly newsletter, connected to rural water system, and we have added a church secretary. The parsonage has taken on a new look as well. A new bathroom has been added, house painted inside and outside, new bedroom suit, chairs, stove, dryer, carpet, drapes, and new office equipment have been purchased. While we have advanced materially, we have also advanced spiritually. Revivals, Bible Studies, prayer meeting, Bible School, United Methodist Women programs, United Methodist Youth Fellowship, have all inspired and motivated us to be better servants and ministers in the church and in the community. Mr. Lindsey has felt the call to the ministry. He has his license to preach and is continuing his studies. Some churches have been supplied by him already. He is anticipating an appointment to a charge this year. Let us pray for him and support him in this new type of service for his Lord. We have several young people who have made definite commitments to Christ and his church. They are serving well and faithfully. We are proud of them. Many young adults have become very active with vision and goals for our church. It is good for the church to be blessed with these people and their talents. We are confident that many more good things will be accomplished. Never can we overlook the many fine contributions made by those who have been dedicated and committed through the years. They are taking less active roles, but their wise counsel and unending support we still need and seek. Church fellowship is good. Family night is always enjoyed, trips on the bus, outings, mother/daughter breakfast, father/son breakfast and other special programs that include singing groups. Our choir under the wise and able leadership of our Choir Director, Betty Teal is one of the best. She uses the talents and voices wisely and discretely. Thanks to her and the members of the choir for providing beautiful music and inspiration on Sunday mornings and at other special programs. The church school is functioning well under capable leadership. Our gratitude is expressed to all officers and teachers that maintain and keep the church in fine order. Our average attendance is about 120. New forms of worship have been explored and put into practice. These forms help keep us alert and in step with the United Methodist Church, but most of all, they help to make our worship experience deeper and more meaningful. Our average attendance at worship is about 125. The church membership is currently at 320. (This page of history ends on May 20, 1979, and was written by Rev. H. Shedron Suggs.) Shiloh Church History Up-Date February 25, 1995 Rev. H. Shedron Suggs remained as our pastor until 1980 when he ended six years of ministry here. He was a dedicated and tireless servant of the Lord and much was accomplished under his leadership. In June of 1980, Rev. Thermond L. Gable came to us and completed five years of service during his tenure which ended in June 1985. Under his guidance, our church family continued to move forward. Rev. Dewey L. Dan has been our very able and dedicated pastor since coming to us in June of 1985. He and his wife, Barbara, have truly become “family” to our congregation. Their combined leadership is outstanding and we feel most fortunate to have them in our fellowship. During recent year, there have been many good and positive things happening at Shiloh. They include: A handicapped lift was installed at the front of the church building giving access to the sanctuary. The new revised United Methodist Hymnals were purchased, dedicated and put into use. A sound system was installed in the sanctuary. A pictorial church directory was done. Weekly prayer service was begun and is enriching our spiritual lives. A much needed parking lot expansion has been completed. We recently purchased 4.8 acres of land adjacent to the south side of our new parking area for future use. Perhaps the most exciting thing to happen at Shiloh in recent years is that we have become very active in the “Vision 2000” movement of the South Carolina United Methodist Conference. This movement is designed to revitalize and help us to plan for a stronger church as we “lean forward” into the next century. We look forward to many good years in our future. Shiloh is very pleased that two of our church family sons received the call to the ministry and are now actively serving. Rev. Lindsey E. Rivers is currently pastor of Hebron and Pergamos United Methodist Churches in the Florence District of the South Carolina Conference. Rev. Jeff Gardner in now the youth minister at Grove Park Baptist Church in Burlington, North Carolina. (This portion of our history was compiled and submitted by Josephine S. Poole, church historian, on February 25, 1995.) Shiloh Church History Up-Date August 31, 2002 In June of 1995, we received a new minister, Rev. Jerry L. Phillips, who remained with us for four fruitful years. He and his wife, Hazel, quickly became an integral part of our church family. Their ministry at Shiloh was one of great caring and nurturing concern. Many goals were accomplished under Rev. Phillips’ guidance and leadership. Rev. Roger R. Dodds came to Shiloh in June 1999 to serve as our pastor. His wife, Barbara, and their twin sons Matthew and Daniel and Bryan are very much involved with all our church activities. During the years covered by this period in Shiloh Church History, we have progressed in many ways, including: Our senior citizens (known as the Shiloh Seniors) organized and have regular monthly lunches and go on trips together. On April 13, 2000, a young man who grew up in our church, Pastor Glenn Scott White and his wife, Jennifer Rollings White, established the Lighthouse Ministries Church near Patrick, S. C. Pastor Glenn is the third member of Shiloh to go into the ministry since we began recording the history in 1964. In February 2001, we purchased a new piano, a much needed improvement. (This portion of our history was compiled and submitted by Josephine S. Poole, church historian, on August 31, 2002.) |
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