(The Minutes of Elizabeth Baptist Church were copied from microfilmed copy originally transcribed by Marie Gulledge Wiggins in July 1987. In July 2002, Kathy W. Lowery used OCR & then provided this document to James & Julia Pigg for their website. Original punctuation & spelling errors remain as they were given in the microfilmed minutes. Kathy used bold print for members’ names to make it easier for researchers to locate their families in this document. The words in Italics & the initials “mw” were notes made by Marie Gulledge Wiggins when she transcribed these notes. She numbered her pages & also used the original page numbers so some pages have more than one page number at the top of the page.
Kathy Lowery is researching the families of Davis W. & Mary Timmons Watts, Eli & Susannah Meador/Meadows Lowry, Levin & Temperance Watson, & Rev. Silas Jordan & S. B. Starnes Fincher. She would like to hear from others who are researching these families at Loweryray @ attbi.com.)
1825 – 1919
This material was supplied by Miss Elizabeth Burch of Mount Croghan, South Carolina, and filmed by the North Carolina Department of Archives and History 18 September 1956.
It was copied from THE BAPTIST HISTORICAL COLLECTION from microfilm no. 286.06 ‑ S 7254 el of Furman University, Greenville, South Carolina, by Marie Gulledge Wiggins July 1987.
This Church is the oldest Baptist Church In the Chesterfield Baptist Association, and was organized by the Elders Samuel Timmons and Joel Gulledge, who were dismissed from the Deep Creek Baptist Church, Anson County, North Carolina, for this purpose.
This church is the oldest Baptist Church in the Chesterfield Baptist Association, and was organized by the Elders Samuel Timmons and Joel Gulledge, who were dismissed from the Deep Creek Baptist Church, Anson County, North Carolina, for this purpose.
The material was supplied by Miss Elizabeth Burch of Mount Croghan, S. C., and filmed by the North Carolina Department of Archives and History 18 September 1956.
It was copied from a microfilm (number 286.06 S7254 el) from THE BAPTIST HISTORICAL COLLECTION of Furman University, Greenville, South Carolina, July 1987, by Marie Gulledge Wiggins.
A large crowd was present Sunday when members of Elizabeth Baptist Church of Mt. Croghan celebrated the church’s 150th anniversary. The morning program included a review of the church’s history, compiled by Mrs. Analiza Sikes and presented by John Sellers. The homecoming sermon was presented by Rev. J. F. Lyon.
Church records show that Elders Samuel Timmons and Joel Gulledge constituted the first covenant of the church on December 24, 1825. They had been members of Deep Creek Baptist Church in Anson County, North Carolina, and were dismissed there for the purpose of becoming a constituted church in Mt. Croghan. The church was reincorporated by the Legislature in December of 1854.
The present building (excluding Sunday School rooms which were built in 1955) was built by members in 1883. Church records show that the cost of the lumber amounted to $46.08.
Eleven years after the church was organized, in 1836, Elizabeth Academy was built. Mary Burch gave the land for the Academy and the men who planned and built it are listed as Joseph Burch, Stephen Jackson, John Huntley, Sandy May, Joel Baker, Samuel Timmons and William Hendrick. The academy’s first teacher was a Mr. Whitten. Subjects taught there included Latin,, music, violin and dancing. The academy was considered one of the finest high schools in the county until General William Sherman and his troops burned It down when they came through South Carolina in March of 1865. Although it was rebuilt, it never regained its prestige and h academy closed around 1900, even though school was held there until 1916. The building itself was torn down in the WPA days of the 1930s.
A bountiful meal was enjoyed following the service. Mrs. Edna B. Watts, who at 83 is the oldest lady member of the church, had the honor of cutting the four‑tiered anniversary cake. Baked by Mrs. Analiza Sikes and Mrs. Sylvia Cato, the top tier was decorated with the numerals “150”.
Others, recognized, during, the day were Levin Watson, who is 86, and the oldest member of the church; as well as four members who were baptised in the church ‑ Grace Gaddy, a member for 59 years; Annie L. Burch a 60‑year old member; Erastus Burch, a 61‑year old member; and Betty Lowery, who has belonged to the church 65 years.
Following, the dinner, the group returned to the church to view movies of the 1955 homecoming, taken by John Sellers. Mrs. Gaddy, who served as church organist some 50 years ago, then played “Standing on the Promises.”
Flowere used in the church for the anniversary celebration honored the memory of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Gaddy, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Ratliff, Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Sellers and Elouise Sellers.
Church met in Conference Saturday before Second Sunday in July 1853
Members present: Wiley Allen, Jesse Allen, Ely Allen, Charles Hendrick,
Wm Hendrick, John Timmons ‑ as the clerk was absent appointed J B Timmons to Act as clerk pro tem ‑ no business
Adjourned In order
James Water Modr
J B Timmons Clk pro tem
Met in Conference Friday before the second Sunday in August1853
Members present Willey Allen, Ely Allen, Jesse Allen, Charles Hendrick,
J. A. Woodward, Joel Baker, J. B. Timmons.
1st ‑ called for excuses when Joel Baker rendered his excuse for not attending our last Meeting which was Satisfactory
2nd Appointed Brother J Bateman to rite letters to this association and have it read before our next meeting
No other business adjourned in order
James Bateman Modr
Joel Baker clk
Church met in Conference Saturday before the second Sunday in September 1853
Members present Joel Baker, Ely Allen, J B Timmons, Charles Hendrick The Pastor not present appointed first Joel Baker modr pro tem
Brother John B Timmons to represent us in the next association No other business
Adjourned to our next meeting
Joel Baker Modr pro tem
Church met in Conference Saturday before the second Sunday in October 1853
Members present Wiley Allen, Ely Allen, Jesse Allen A Woodward,
J B Timmons, Joel Baker, Charles Hendrick first called for Excuses Jesse Allen made his Excuse and was satisfactory
second Sister Susanah Gibson petitioned’ for a letter of Dismission her request was granted
third Appointed a Commission to report at our next meeting what disposition should be made of the Elizabeth Parsonage
No other business Adjourned In order.
J J Bateman Modr
J Baker Clk
Church met Saturday before second Sunday November 1853
Members, present Willey Allen, Jesse Allen, A Woodard, Charles Hendrick,
Rufus King, Joel Baker
first called for excuses none
second W T Jones and wife Sarah petition for letter of dismission which was granted
third Elizabeth Niven asked for letter of dismission which was granted
fourth the Committee appointed to Enquire into the matter of the Elizabeth Parsonage
Recommend it to be sold in some way most advantageous to the Church Report Received and committee discharged Adjourned in order
W T Jones Modr
Joel Baker Clk
In accordance to the report of ‘the Committee concerning the Elizabeth Parsonage and land belonging thereto the said land and parsonage was sold to Davis W. Watts on the 14th day of January 1854 for 800 dollars with intrist from the first day of January 1854 the interist to be paid annually on a Credit title the first day of January 1858 the Church gave Bond for titles if the sum of 800 dollars was paid on the first day of January 1858 ‑ if not the Bond to be Void and of no effect Done In Conference Saturday before the second Sunday in February 1854
James J Bateman Modr
Joel Baker C Clk
Church met In Conference the Saturday, before the second Sunday January 1854
Members present Wiley Allen, Eli Allen, Charels Hendrick, Joel Baker
first called for Excuses none
second sister Beeson asked for a letter of dismission which was unanimously Granted No other business Adjourned in order
J J Bateman Modr
Joel Baker C Clk
Church met in Conference the Saturday before the second Sabbath in February 1854
Members present Wiley Allen, Jesse Allen, Eli Allen, A Woodard,
John B Timmons, W K King, Charles Hendrick, Joel Baker first called for Excuses when A Woodard, W R King, Jesse Allen and
J B Timmons made there Excuses for not attending at last meeting and was rec’d second Agreed to Commune tomorrow No other Businsss
Adjourned in order James J Bateman Modr
Joel Baker C Clk
Church met in Conference, the Saturday before second Sabbath in March 1854
No conference on account of absence of the pastor
Met in Conference Saturday before the second Sunday in April 1854
Members present Charles Hendrick, Ely Allen, Wiley Allen, Jesse Allen,
A Wodard, W K King, J B Timmons, Joel Baker first Called for Excuses None second sister Edna C Parker asked for a letter of dismission which was granted
third Opened a door for the Reception of new Members
No other Business Adjourned in order
James J Bateman Modr
Joel Baker C Clk
Met In Conference Saturday before the second Sunday in May 1854
Members present Wiley Allen, Eli Allen, Charles Hendrick.. Jesse Allen,
W K King, J B Timmons first called for Excuses None
second appointed a Committee of Wiley Allen, and J B Timmons to visit Brother George Readfern to Enquire after his not attending our Church meeting Once for using bad language and report at our next meeting three agreed to repair the Windows of the church
No other business adjourned in order
James J Bateman Modr
J Baker C Clk
Church met in Conference Saturday before second Sunday in June 1854
Members present Wiley Allen, Jesse Allen, Abraham Woodard,
Charles Hendrick and William K King first called for excuses none second Opened a door for the receipt of members third called for the report of the Committee to visit Brother George Readfern
On motion the report received and Committee discharged fourth agreed to Exonerate Brother Readfern for the present fifth the church Believing she had acted wrong toward Brother D Hays in refusing to let him preach in the Church make all the necessary acknowledgement for their ignorangance further Directed the clk of said church to inform him of the same and also to invite him to come and be with us at our protracted meeting in August
Being no other Business Adjourned in order
James J Bateman Modr
Joel Baker C Clk
Met in Conference Saturday before the second Sabbath in July 1854
Members present Wiley Allen, Jesse Allen, Charles Hendrick, S W Readfern and J B Timmons first called for Excuses Eli Allen and J B Timmons made there Excuses and was Satisfactory, second Agreed to petition the next Legislature to reincorporate our church
No other Business Adjourned in order
Wiley Allen Modr
Joel Baker C Clk
Met in conference Saturday before the first Sabbath in August 1854
Members present Wiley Allen, Eli allen, Charles Hend�rick, Jesse Allen, J B Timmons, G W readfern, W K King, A Woodward
first called for Excuses none
second appointed a Committee to visit sister Rebecca Rogers and report at our next meeting
third appointed Brethern Wiley Allen, W K King and A Woodard to represent us in our next association Brother J B Timmons to rite a letter to the Association and have read at our next meeting Agreed to send one dollar and fifty cents for minutes.
Brother Wilson Chambers from Mount Olive Church was present and requested our church to send delgates to meet in Convention at the Mount Olive church on Friday before the Third Sabbath September next to Consider the propriety of forming a new association on motion of Brother J Baker it was agreed to lay over for the consideration of the church till our next meeting.
Adjourned in order
James J Bateman Modr
Joel baker C Clk
Church met in Conference Saturday before the second Sunday September 1854
Members present Charles Hendrick, W K King,
J b Timmons
first called for excuses None
second called for read and approved the letter to the association
third appointed Brother Baker to visit Pharo a slave belonging to the Estate of F Johnson and Enquire as to unfavorable reports of and report at our next meeting
The Committee appointed to visit sister Rebecca Rogers not present
No other business Adjourned in order
James J Bateman Modr
Joel Baker C Clk
N B appointed Brethern Charles Hendrick,
W K King and J B Timmons to meet in Convention at Mount Olive
J a Bateman Modr
J Baker Clk
Elizabeth Church Reincorporated By the Legislature December 1854
Church sat in Conference meeting Saturday before the second Sunday in October 1854
Members present Wiley Allen, Eli Allen, Charles Hendrick, W K King and J B Timmons
first called for the report Committee to visit Rebecca Rogers report that they visited her and found the report against her true. Report received And Committee discharged
second took up case of sister Rebecca Rogers and on motion it was agreed to Exclude her from the fellowship of the Church
third Brother Baker who was appointed to visit Pharo a black man belonging to the Estate of F. Johnson Dec’d says that he visited this man Pharo and Enquired of him as to the facts of certain reports against him which he Denied and says he is not guilty of said reports there Being no Evidence against him the Church agreed to Exeronate him
fourth Went into an Election for a pastor of this church when Brother E. David Received the vote of the church for the next year
fifth Appointed Brethern W K King, J b Timmons and Charles Hendrick to see Brother David and inform him of the part and to enquire whether he could attend us or not
No other Business Adjourned in order
Wiley Allen Modr
Joel Baker C Clerk
Church met in Conference the Saturday before the second Sunday in November 1854
No Conference
Conference meeting the Saturday before the second Sunday in December 1854
Members present Wiley Allen, Eli Allen, W K King, J B Timmons
No Business Adjourned
J J Bateman Modr
Joel Baker C Clk
(Here the. pages in the Minute Book were misnumbered and continued so.. mw)
Church sat in Conference Saturday before the second Sunday in January 1855
No Conference
Church met in Conference Saturday before the second Sunday in February 1855
Members present Eli Allen, Wiley Allen, Charles Hendrick, A Woodard, J B Timmons
first Appointed Brother John B Timmons to take a subscription and see what amount he could collect for the use of Brother E David by the first of April next to be paid to him as a part of his salary for the present year
second Agreed to give D W Watts $8 interest on his notes for last years notes to be Credited interest to first of year 1855
third Appointed Brother A Woodard and W D Allen a committee to visit sister Zilpha Sellers enquire the Cause of her Absence from the church and report at out next metting
No other Business Adjourned in order
Isaac Woodard Modr
Joel Baker C Clk
Met in Conference Saturday before the first Sunday in March 1855
Members present A. Moore, Charles Hendrick, Eli Allen, Wiley Allen
Excuses none
first called for the report of the Committee to visit Sister Sellers. Brother Wiley Allen reported they had not seen her whereupon Bro. Joel Baker was requested to Visit her and report at our next meeting
second Restored Brother Stephen Baker to all the privileges of the church By the unanimous Voice of the male and females present
third Agreed to have a Church treasury for the purpose of keeping on hand a fund sufficient to defray the Expenses of the Church and for other purposes
fourth Appointed Brother Charles Hendrick Treasurer
Adjourned in Order
E. David Modr
J Baker C Clk
Church met in Conference Saturday before the first Sunday in April 1855
Members present Wiley Allen, Charles Hendrick, J B Timmons, W K King, Jesse Allen
first Brother Joel Baker stated as the Committee of the church that he had seen sister Sellers and that she satisfied him that absence from the Church was on account of her inability to attend and not from a want of desire to do so Report received and Committee Discharged
second opened a door for the reception of Members
Dismissed In order
Evander David Modr
Joel Baker C Clk
Church met in Conference Saturday before the first Sabbath in May 1855
Members present A Woodard, Eli Allen, Stephen Baker, Wiley Allen, Jesse Allen, William R King
first Opened a door for the reception of members When Sarah A. Harp presented a letter from the Liberty Hill Church and was unanimously received a member Among us
second Elder Evander David, presented a letter from the Deep Creek Church for himself and wife Elizabeth on Motion they were received Cordially rec’d Members with us
No other Business Adjourned in order
Evander David Modr
Joel Baker Ckl
Church met in Conference Saturday before the first Sunday in June 1855
No Conference
Church met In Conference Saturday before first Sabbath in July 1855.
Members present Wiley Allen, Charles Hendrick, W R King, J B Timmons, Stephen Baker
No Business Adjourned in order
E David Modr�
Joel Baker Clk
Church met in Conference Saturday before the first Sunday in August
No Conference
Church met in Conference Saturday before the first Sabbath in September 1855
Members present Wiley Allen, Eli Allen, Jesse Allen, A Woodard, Stephen Baker, J. B. Timmons, W K King and Charles Hendrick
first called for Excuses None
second Appointed Brethern Evander David, Charles Hendrick and Jesse Allen as delegate to the Association Joel Baker and Evander David to prepare a letter Agreed to send $1.50 for minutes No other Business Adjourned In order
E David Modr
Joel Baker Clk
Church met In Conference Saturday before the fourth Sabbath October 1855
Members present Charles Hendrick, Wiley Allen, Eli Allen,
first called for excuses None
second sister Sarah Hayes petitioned for a letter of Dismission which was granted NO other Business Adjourned in Order
Evander David
Joel Baker Clk
Church met in Conference Saturday before the second Sabbath in February 1856
Members present Charles Hendrick, Stephen Baker, Wiley Allen, A Woodard
first called for Excuses None
second Agreed to Continue Brother Charles Hendrick Treasurer as long as he was willing to continue In said office J B Timmons Collector
third Agreed to hold Conference Meeting on Saturday before second Sunday in each Month thereafter
fourth Agreed to indulge Watts for the Ballance of the interst $25 for last year untill January next
first Resolved that we would take up a collection on Sabbath of next meeting for the purpose of keeping a fund in our Treasury
No other Business Adjourned in order
E David Modr
Joel Baker Clk
Church met in Conference Saturday before the second Sabbath in March 1856
Members present Wiley Allen, Eli Allen John B Timmons, Stephen Baker, Jesse Allen, Charles Hendrick
first Took the case of Brother Geo W Readfearn for not attending our church Meetings On Motion of Bro Charles Hendrick he was unanimously Excluded from the fellowship of the Church
second Bro Charles Hendrick reported that he had paid Bro E. David for his Services for last year 1855
In accordance with the fifth Resolution of Our last meeting took up a Collection on Sunday to the amount of $6.15. Col�lected on subscription last year $59.00 Interest on D Watts note in part for last year 25.00
$90.15 Paid Bro E David for last year $75.00
Ballance in the hands of Treasury 15.15
Church met In Conference Saturday before the second Sabbath in April 1856
Members present Wiley Allen, Eli Allen, Stephen Baker, Jesse Allen, Charles Hendrick, A Woodard, and J B Timmons
first called for the minutes of our last Meeting there
Being no references and Business before the Church on Motion
Adjourned in order
Evander David Modr
Joel Baker Clk
Church met in Conference on the Saturday before the second Sabbath in May 1856
Members present Eli Allen, Wiley Allen
first opened a door for the Reception of members
second Agreed to Commune on Sunday
There being no other Business adjourned
E David Modr.
Church met on Saturday before second Sunday June 1856
Members present Wiley Allen, Eli Allen, Jesse Allen, Charles Hendrick, Abraham Woodard, Stephen Baker, John B Timmons
There being no business before the Church Adjourned
E David Modr
J Baker Clk
Church met in Conference Saturday before the second Sabbath of July 1856
Members present Joel Baker, Stephen Baker
first opened a door for the reception of members when Jinny a Black woman belonging to the Estate of Henry J King came forward and Related a work of Grace on the Heart and was unanimously received as a Candidate for Baptisim
second Agreed I to attend to the Ordinance of Baptism on Sunday of our next meeting
No other buslnesss Adjourned in Order
E David Modr
Joel Baker Clk
Elizabeth Church met in Conference Saturday before the second Sunday in August 1856
Members present Wiley Allen, Eli Allen, Abraham Woodard, Charles Hendrick, Jesse Allen, John B Timmons, Stephen Baker
first opened a door for the reception of members
second Appointed Charles Hendrick to prepare a letter for the Association and have it ready to read before our next Conference
Met at the Waters on Sunday and baptised the Candidate that was Received at our last meeting
There being no other business adjourned in Order
E David Modr
Joel Baker Clk
Church met‑in Conference Saturday before second in September 1856
Members present Charles Hendrick, Stephen Baker, Wiley Allen, Eli Allen, Jesse Allen, John B Timmons
first called for the letter to the Association on Notion of J B Timmons was received and the following Bretheren appointed to Bear It as our Delegates to the Association
second Agreed to send $1.82 for minutes
third The clerk preferred a charge against Pharo Belonging to James Burch for stealing On motion he was Excluded from the Fellowship of the chruch
fourth Sister Jane Goodwin petitioned for a letter of dismissal from this church which was granted
No other Business Adjourned in order
Evander David
Joel Baker Clk
Church met in Conference on Saturday before the second Sunday of December 1856
Members present Charles Hendrick, Wiley Allen, Jesse Allen, Stephen Baker
first As John A Huntley had purchased the parsonage land from D Watts for which the church had Given sd Watts a bond for Title – he requested the church to make him a Title for the same
second on Motion the church agreed to do so upon the Condition that he the sd Huntley gave them his note with Good Security for $800 with interest from the first Jany 1867 and Complying with Conditions of D W Watts Bond
no other Business, Adjourned in order
Evander David Modr
Joel Baker Clk
N B On same day appointed Joel Baker, Wiley Allen and Charles Hendrick a Committee to prepare a Deed for this land mentioned and have it before our next Conference It was agreed that all the male members sign the same to John A Hunley.
E David
J Baker
Conference Meeting on Saturday before the second day in February 1857
Members present Wiley Allen, Jesse Allen, Stephen Baker, Abraham Woodard
first called for report of Committee appointed at our last meeting Committee reported Rec’d and sd Committee discharged on Motion It was agreed all the male members to sign the deed prepared by the Committee To John A Huntley for the usual purpose therein mentioned A Note for $800 was given By John A Huntley to Bro Charles Hendrick Treasury of our Church for the Consideration of sd deed
No other Business Adjourned In order
E David Modr
Joel Baker Clk
Church sat In Conference on the Saturday before the second Sunday in May 1857
Members present John B Timmons, Wiley Allen, Jesse Allen, Charles Hendrick and Abraham Woodard
first as there was no refference from last Meeting Agreed to read the Church Covenant at our next meeting.
Agreed to Commune on Sabbath of our next meeting Adjourned
E David
Joel Baker
Church sat In Conference on Saturday before second in May 1857 (sic)
Members present Charles Hendrick, Wiley Allen, Jesse Allen
first There being no unfinished business Read church Covenant
second Opened a door for the reception of members when Rebeccah A King and Mary Teal came forward with letters of Dimission In regular from the Church to which they Belonged
On Motion they were unanimously recevied as members with us
There Being no other Business adjourned
E David Modr
Joel Baker clk
N B agreed to Commune tomorrow
E David
J Baker
Church sat in Conference on Saturday before the second Sunday of June 1857
Members present: Charles Hendrick, John B Timmons, A Woodward
first appointed E David, J B Timmons and C Hendrick a committee to visit Brother Rufus King and Enquire as to the Cause of is Absence from our Conference Meetings and report at our next meeting
Being no other her Busingess Adjourned
E David Modr
Joel Baker Clk
Sunday met at the Water and Administrated the Ordinance of Baptism to Serena a Black woman belonging to Dr. A. Myers Returned to the house and Received by letter Fereby Brantley
Church met in Conference on Saturday before the second Sabbath of July 1857
Members present Stephen Baker, A. Woodward, Charles Hendrick, and John B Timmons
first opened a door for the reception of members when Margaret Alsobrooks came forward and said that she had been Pardoned for her past conduct and in a full Confession of her guilt. She was unanimously restored to the fellowship of the Church
second called for the receipt of the Committy appointed to visit Bro Rufus King Committy reported that they had seen Bro King and that he gave no satisfactory reason why he did hot attend the Church But told them he did not think he was fit to be in the church and that he thought some of the rest of the members was in the same condition ‑ Report received and committee discharged Took up the case of Bro King on motion he was Excluded from
the fellowship of the Church
No other Business Adjourned
E David Modr
Joel Baker Clk
Chruch sat in Conference on Saturday before the second Sabbath in August 1857
Members present S Baker, J B Timmons Jesse Allen, A Woodard, Charles Hendrick
first appointed E David to write a letter to our next Association and have it ready for Inspection before our next Conference appointed Brethern E David, Jesse Allen, and John B Timmons as Delegates to the Association
No other Business Adjourned
E David
Joel Baker
Church met in conference Saturday before the second Sabbath in September 1858
Members present Charles Hendrick, John B Timmons, Jesse Allen, Abraham Woodard, Stephen Baker
first Brother Joel Baker presented a letter of Dismission from the Willow Creek Church Marion District, S C for Willaby a Black woman belonging to H T King
second On Motion the letter was Received and the right hand of fellowship Extended to her on Sunday
third the letter to the Association was read and received
fourth There being a report against sister Mary Autry charging her of being in a family way
fifth Appointed Brethern Stephen Baker and Charles Hendrick to Enquire into her case and report at our next meeting
sixth Appointed Brethern Evander David Stephen Baker and Joel Baker Delegates to the Association
seventh Agreed to send one dollar and fifty cents for Minutes
There being no other business Adjourned in Order
E David Modr
Joel Baker C Clk
Church met in Conference Saturday before the second Sunday in October 1858
Members present Charles Hendrick, Jesse Allen, Stephen Baker, John B Timmons and Joel Baker
As the Pastor of the Church was not present on Motion Brother Watt King was appointed Moderator
first called for the report of the Committee appointed to visit Sister Mary Autry Committee report that they had� visited Sister Mary Autry and found her to be in a Family way as was reported of her.
second Report received and Committee discharged
third ‑ Took up, the case of Sister Mary Autry and on Motion of Bro J B Timmons she was unanimously Excluded from the Fellowship of the Church
fourth Bro John B Timmons made his acknowledgements for Acts of interference and showed deep marks of penitence for the same whereupon the Church agreed to forgive him
There being no other Business Adjourned‑in order
Matthew Atkinson Modr
Joel Baker C Clk
At a Cauled meeting Monday after the fist Sabbath in November 1858 the Church Agreed to call a pastor for the next year and on taking the vote of the Church it found the Rev. A. L. Stough was unanimously Elected As Pastor for the next year Appointed Bro J Baker to inform Bro Stough of the call of the Church
Bro Stough accepted the Call and the Church agreed to give him $100 for his services
Joel Baker C Clk
Church met in Conference Saturday before the second Sabbath in May 1858 (sic)
Members present Charles Hendrick, Jesse Allen, Stephen Baker, John B Timmons
There being no Business Adjourned in order
E David Modr
Joel Baker
On Sunday opened a Door for the reception of Members when Caleb a slave Belonging to Dr. A. Myers handed in a letter from the Brown Creek Church, Anson County, North Carolina and was received as a member among us
Church met in Conference Saturday March 12th 1859
The Pastor A S Stough preached an excellent sermon from John 5:39. “Search the Scriptures” after which the Church Convened in Conference
T M Baker presented a letter of Dismission from Mount Olive Church and upon Motion by J B Timmons was received in full fellowship
There being no other business the Church Adjourned
N B By the request of Bro Evander David letters of dismissal were granted to him and his wife Elizabeth
J Baker C Clerk
Church met in Conference Saturday before second Sunday July 1859
Members present Jesse Allen, Stephen Baker, J B Timmons, Charles Hendrick, T M Baker
first Opened a door for reception of Members when Barbaary H King presented a letter of Dismission from the Mount Olive Church and was (page broken off)
S L Stough Modr
J Baker C Clk
Church met in Conference Saturday September the 17, 1859
Members present Charles Hendrick, Stephen Baker, J B Timmons, Tell Baker
there being no refference from our last meeting
first Brother Joel Baker prefered a charge against sister Martha Hancock stating the fact that she was in a family way
On motion she was Excluded from the fellowship of this church
second Appointed Bro Joel Baker Delegate to the Association and to prepare a letter for the same Also appointed Bro Joel Baker Delegate to Brown Creek Association if we get a letter from the Moriah Association and agreed to send
$1.50 for the minutes of the Brown Creek Association
third It was moved that we go into a cawl for a pastor for the next year It was left ot a vote Whereupon A L Stough got the unanimous vote of the Church and was Declared and E….. (page broken)
Met in Conference Saturday‑before the second Sunday March 1860
Members present Charles Hendrick, Stephen Baker, Eli Allen, Jesse Allen, John B Timmons
Sermon by our Pastor A L Stough from Romans 14th Chapter and 19th verse Bro Joel Baker Refered a Charge against Willsby a Black sister the property of H T King for Being in a family way; on Motion she was unanimously Excluded from the fellowship of the church
A L Stough Modr
J Baker C Clk
Church met in Conference Saturday before the second Sunday in April 1860
Members present Charles Hendrick, Eli Allen, Jesse Woodard, Stephen Baker
Our Pastor being absent Brother S H Alsobrook was Elected Moderator
first Bro Joel Baker asked for a letter of dismission for Lucy a Black sister Belonging to J S Burch on Motion it was unanimously granted and the clerk requested to write this letter and sign it in behalf of the Church
No other Business Adjourned in‑Order
S H Alsobrook Modr
J Baker C Clk
The church met in Conference on Saturday before the second Sabbath in June 1860
Members present J B Timmons Stephen Baker, Charles Hendrick, Jesse Allen
Sermon from our Pastor Jeremiah 8th Chapter and 6th verse
first read the rules of Decorum
second Sister Mary Jane Johnson asked for a letter of Dismission to Join the Deep Creek church and on Motion her request was granted
On Motion adjourned in order
A L Stough Modr
Joel Baker C Clk
(page 25 October 1860 missing)
Church met in Conference Saturday before second Sunday November 1860
Members present Charles Hendrick, Stephen Baker, Jesse Allen, Eli Allen, Eli M Baker
No reference from our last meeting
first Eli Allen Asked for a letter of Dismission for himself and wife Mahala Allen and on motion of Bro Baker his request :was granted and the clerk requested to rite the same and hand It over to them�
There Being no other business Adjourned in Order
A L Stough Modr
Joel Baker Clk
Church met in Conference Saturday before the second Sunday in February 1861
Members present Charles Hendrick, Jesse Allen, Stephen Baker, A. Woodard, Tell Baker
first Agreed to adopt Cossey Choice as our him Book for the future
No other business Adjourned
A L Stough Modr
Joel Baker C Clk
Church met in Conference Saturday before the second Sabbath in May 1861
Members present Stephen Baker, Charles Hendrick, Jesse Allen, Turner M Baker
first Bro Joel Baker asked for a letter of Dismission for Bro John B Timmons and sister Sarah P. Timmons
second On motion it was unanimously granted There being no other Business church Adjourned in order
A Head Modr
Joel Baker Clerk
Protracted meeting Commenced Saturday before the first Sunday in August 1861 and continued untill the second Sunday
During the week Received two members for Baptism Mary E Sellers and Edna T Baker and received by letter from Hopewell church William Brantley. There was great interest taken in Meeting During the meeting our much Esteemed Pastor Laboured faithfully During the whole time with the assistance of Brother Wheldon for two days, the church appeared to be revived and sinners were made to feel that there was reality in the religion of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ
Met at the waters on the last Sunday; and Baptised Mary E Sellers and Edna T Baker after which returned to Church when Bro Head and Bro Whilden Both Preached a Sermon and Meeting was Dismissed
Church met in Conference Saturday and Sunday the second in December 1862
Members present Joel Baker and Charles Hendrick
first Opened the Door of the church for the reception of Members Bro Elder T Head and wife Rebecca Presented a letter from Waxhaw Church and on Motion they were unanim�ously Received as members of this church
No other Business the church adjourned in order
A Head Modr
Joel Baker Clk
Church sat in Conference Saturday before the second Sunday May 13th 1865
Members present Stephen Baker, Jesse Allen, James Green, G W Huntley, and (F) B C Baker
first Bro James Green asked for a letter of Dismissal from our church to Join the Mount Olive church and was unanimously granted
Extended the right hand of fellowship to G W Huntley and J B C Baker who was present from the Army
third Open a door for the reception of members
Sylvanus Head Modr
Joel Baker c clk
Church sat in Conference Saturday before the second Sunday, Dec 1865
Members present Charles Hendrick, Jesse Allen, A Woodard, J B C Baker
first Mary F Parker asked for a letter of Dismission which was unanimously granted
No other Business Adjourned
A Head modr
Joel Baker Clk
Church met in Conference saturday before the second Sabbath January 1867
Members Present Stephen Baker, Jesse Allen, A Woodard, William Brantley, Charles Hendrick, H Allen
first Cauled for Excuses
William Brantley made Excuse for not Attending our last meeting and was satisfactory
Brother Daniel Bone sent his Excuse for being absent at this and our last meeting which was unanimously received
Also Brother E T King sent his Excuse for being Absent at this meeting which was received
NO other Business Adjourned in order
A Head Modr
J Baker Clk
Church met in Conference 29th March 1867
Members present A Woodard, Jesse Allen, Hardy Allen, Charles Hendrick
first Marion Beeson, Abraham Woodard, Susannah Woodard, Elliza Woodard called for letters of Dismission on Motion letters were granted to all of the applicants the Clerk to prepare the letters and hand them to them as soon as Convenient
No other Business Adjourned in order
Brother Head Resigned his Pastoral Care of the Church
A Head Modr
Joel Baker clk
Church met in Conference Saturday before second Sunday June 1867
Members present Charles Hendrick, Stephen Baker, Jesse Allen, Willilam Hendrick, Felix G Baker
first Brother Jesse Allen Prefered a charge against Brother Daniel Boan for improper Conduct
second Appointed a Committee to visit Bro Boan to investigate the case and report at our next meeting Appointed Brother Jesse Allen and W C Baker committee to visit Brother Boan.
third The Saturday before the second Sunday in July next to call a preacher for the next year
No other Business Church adjourned in order
James Green Modr
Joel Baker Clerk
Church met in Conference Saturday before the second Sunday July 1867
Members present Charles Hendrick, Jesse Allen, Stephen Baker, F G Baker
first Called for reception of Committee appointed at our last meeting to visit Brother Bone Report of Committee is as follows that they have seen Bro Bone that he is in part denied the Charge Against, him but wished the Church to
Exclude him in fact The Committee was satisfied that he was guilty
second on Motion report received and Committee Disch�arged
third Took up Bro Bone on Motion of Bro Joel Baker he was Excluded from the fellowship of the church
No other Business Adjourned
Charles Hendrick Mod
Joel Baker Clk
N B A unanimous Call for Bro Silas Fincher for our Pastor for the next year and Bro Joel (torn or broker off)
Church Met in Conference Saturday before second Sunday January 1868
Members present Charles Hendrick, Jesse Allen, Wiley Allen, Hardy Allen,
F G Baker, J Baker and William Hendrick
first a charge was Prefered against Martha A Hendrick for Bastardy It was fully known by all the Members present that she was Guilty The Church agreed to Exclude her from the Fellowship without any further Consideration
second Bro S Head Reported Bro F G Baker for or Getting Drunk after some Remarks from Bro Jesse Allen and others and from Marks of Repentances from Bro F G Baker and his promising not to do so any more the Church unanimously agreed to Excuse him
third Sister Mary Teal Petitions the Church for letter of Dismissal for herself and three daughters Elizabeth T, Martha T and Sarah T On Motion of Bro Joel Baker letter was Granted‑to all‑of the above named sisters
fourth Bro Joel Baker reported to this Church that the Money Belonging to the church for which holds a note against John A Huntley for $800 had been paid him in 1868 Except $100 that was paid in 1860 had died on his hands in bonds when the Confederacy went up Except $60 which the church agreed to pay for repairing of our house of Worship which work was Done in 1859
$60 paid out of the money collect�ed in 1860
On motion of Bro. Jesse Allen the church agreed unanimously to give
Bro Baker his note which the Treasurer of this Church held against him for the amount of $800 and not to hold him responsible for the same, as the money was entirely useless to any person No other Business Adjourned in order
Church met in Conference Saturday before second Sunday April 1868
(no members present given)
first Susannah M King handed in a letter of Dismission from Bethel Church, Union County, N.C.
Church met in Conference May 9 1868
(no members present given)
first Wiley Allen and wife request letters of Dismissal to Join the Cross Roads Church
Rebecca Jordan came forward and Said she had found forgiveness for the Crime she had been guilty of and showed markes of Repentance for the same On motion of Jesse Allen the church agreed to forgive her
No other business the Church adjourned
Leonadis Loury Modr
Joel Baker Clerk
Church sat in Conference saturday before second Sunday June 18 1868
A charge prefered against Eliza Welsh for being in family way She was Excluded on Motion of Jesse Allen
A letter of Dismissal for Wincesy Allen Name could not be found Said she was Baptised in October 1839 by Rev. Wiley T Fones in the presence of a good many persons Some of whom she named but all are since dead
No other business church adjourned in Order
Leonadis Lowry Modr
J Baker Clerk
Church sat in Conference Saturday before second Sunday of July 1868
Hardy Allen called for letters of Dismissal to join Cross Roads Church On Motion letter was granted
No other Business Meeting adjourned in order
Church sat in Conference January 12th 1869
William Timmons requested a letter of Dismissal to join a church near him in Mississippi. On Motion Ietter was granted
No other business Adjourned
Church met in Conference March 1869
Rebecca Helton asked for letter of Dismission which on
Motion was granted
No other Business Adjourned in order
Church met in Conference Saturday August 10th 1870
Harriet McBride asked for letter of Dismission to join Hopewell Church
G W Huntley was Excluded for retailing Spiritous Liquors
No other Business Adjourned
Church met in Conference Saturday September 11th 1871
Sarah Hancock came forward and (?protestrated) and after making the nessary acknowledgements and Shewing marks of Repentance she was restored to the full fellowship of the Church
No other Business Adjourned
Church Sat in Conference Saturday December 12th 1872
Rebecca J Hilton and Frances Hilton asked for and received letters of Dismission
Church sat in Conference Saturday January 11th 1873
Deacon John Nicholson and wife Rebecca presented letters of Dismissal from Cross Roads and were received on Motion of Charles Hendrick
Church met in Conference Saturday September 12th 1873
Daniel Bone was restored to the Church
Wincey Allen presented a letter of Dismission from Cross Roads Church
Church met in Conference Saturday August 9th 1873
Martha A Horne was Baptized
Church sat in Conference Saturday November 1873
Daniel Bone now among members present
Opened door for members Caswell Leonard, Mary Leonard and Mary Jones dismissed from Hopewell Church and Mount Morlah Association to join this church
Church sat in Conference March 7th 1874
William T Baker and wife Louisa joined by letter
Stephen Timmons, Sr and wife Melinda, Stephen Timmons, Jr and wife Laura, all coloured, asked for letters of Dismission which on motion were granted
Church met in Conference April 11th 1874
Margaret Hilton handed in a letter of Dismission from Cross Roads Church
Church sat in Conference Saturday September 12th 1874
Joel Baker reported Margaret Alsobrook not living as she should with her husband, abusing of him and causing him (as) her abusing Language to leave home for some days On Motion she was Excluded
Church met in Conference Saturday before second Sunday July 1875
Wilson Stancil and wife Lucy joined by letter from Cross Roads
A Protracted Meeting was held in August 1875 for ten days. Persons joined and Baptized were: Sarah A Green, Frances Huntley, Elizabeth Steele, William H. Horne, James Horne, William Burch, Moultrie Burch, James Burch, & David J. Hendrick by letter from Cross Roads
Church met in Conference Saturday November 10, 1875
Excluded Huldah Massey who married Phillip Rivers for quitting us and joining the Methodist church
Excluded ezekiel T King for Bastardy
Church met in Conference Saturday before second Sunday January 1876
Sister Elizabeth Johnson returns her letter which she had taken to Hopewell where she became disatisfied and requested this church to take it back
Church met In Conference Saturday February 12th 1876
Received by Sister Susannah Boan from the Cross Roads Church
Appointed a Committee of two to visit Sister Lou Beeson who it is said is a habitual Dancer and Ascertain if said Report is true and Report at our next Meeting.
Church sat In conference Saturday March 11th 1876
first opened a door of the Church for the Reception of Members when Mary Jane Gulledge handed in a letter from the Cross Roads church and on Motion she was Received a member with us
second called for the Report of the Committee appointed at our last meeting
third Report received and Committee Discharged
fourth Excused sister Beeson for Dancing upon her Confessing her Error and promising to do so no more
Church sat In Conference Saturday June 10 1876
There being no business adjourned
On Sunday opened a door for the Reception of Members James Johnson, Green Cato and wife Elizabeth handed in letters from Hopewell church and on motion they were Received as members with us
church sat In Conference Saturday July 18 1876
Opened a door for Reception of members when Eliza Gibson handed in a letter of dismissal from Cross Roads
Church sat in Conference Saturday August 12, 1876
Opened a door for the Reception of Members. Eliza Brantley joined by Baptism
Church met In Conference Sturday December 12th 1876
Clara Gulledge joined by letter from Hopewell Church
Church met in Conference Saturday March 8, 1877
James Johnson and wife Elizabeth, Green Cato and wife Elizabeth and Lauretta Cato asked for letters of Dismissals to join a new church to be Constituted at Chesterfield Court House
AUGUST 17TH, 1889
RESOLVED by the Church that this page be dedicated to the memory of our departed Deacon, Brother Joel Baker who departed this life on the 12th December 1888 after Serving the church as Deacon and Clerk for near half Sentury, Faithfully and Acceptably, as our Chosen leader the Lord having endowed him with Sufficient Grace to councell Wisely in all matters pertaining to his Church Militant exhorting to Charity doing to others as you would have them do unto you.
we feel Sorely the loss of our esteemed brother as Counselor both by precept and example May the life he lived here among us Serving faithfully his Church for the Cause of his Lord and Master be as a light to guide us Into all truth.