Level of Membership and Dues

Associate – $20.00
Must be a full member of another SCGS chapter.
Individual – $25.00
Receives newsletter and queries published free.  
Family – $30.00
Two or more members at same address.
Lifetime – $1,000.00

Benefits of Membership

  1.   Automatic membership in the South Carolina Genealogical Society. Entitled to attend the Summer Workshop and Fall Annual Meeting at discounted SCGS member price.
  2.   CAROLINA HERALD – All SCGS members receive a subscription to this quarterly genealogical publication.
  3.   CHESTERFIELD DISTRICT CHRONICLE – All members of Chesterfield District Chapter, SCGS receive a subscription to the chapter’s quarterly publication. The CHESTERFIELD DISTRICT CHRONICLE publishes genealogical data from a variety of sources concerning Chesterfield District, SC and surrounding areas. Each issue contains many pages of documents, queries, and book reviews, etc.
  4.   Regular monthly meetings. Chesterfield District Chapter, SCGS meets regularly in Chesterfield or neighboring communities. Meetings are held the second Sunday of each month at 3:00 p.m. (with the exception of July and December). Meaningful programs are stressed.
  5.   Genealogical projects. Chesterfield District Chapter and its members continue to be involved with several projects including:  photographing and helping document local cemeteries, working with the local libraries to document and index historical holding and genealogical materials they possess and encouraging area churches and other organizations to have their records microfilmed.
  6. Access to our members only section of the website providing access to unpublished nam indexes with source, record finding aids, and other member only information.  Select the Society Information – Members Only link.

Paypal option is now available forALL membership levels and Gift Membership.  All PayPal memberships include a $2.00 service fee to cover PayPal processing fees.  See button below.

Membership Levels

Membership Form


This would make the ideal Birthday, Mother’s or Father’s Day, or Christmas gift for a family history enthusiast. It is also the perfect way to thank someone for their kindness and an excellent way to generate interest in family history. A gift card will be sent to recipients to notify them of your gift.

Gift Membership Form

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