Chesterfield District Genealogy

Chapter of the
South Carolina Genealogical Society
Chesterfield District Genealogy Society
P.O. Box 167
Chesterfield, South Carolina 29709
Chesterfield District Chapter, S.C.G.S. publishes quarterly the Chesterfield District Chronicle. We hold regular monthly meetings the second Sunday of each month except July and December. Some of the the projects that we are involved in are: collecting church histories from all the denominations in our area and encouraging these churches to have their records microfilmed, adopting and cleaning abandoned cemeteries, and having memorial markers placed for our county’s war dead.
We are a chapter of the South Carolina Genealogical Society of which there are 13 other chapters all across the state. S.C.G.S. holds a Summer Workshop each July at the South Carolina Archives and History Center in Columbia and their Annual Meeting each Fall. S.C.G.S. publishes quarterly the Carolina Herald and Newsletter and other beneficial books periodically.
If YOU, or anyone you know, has historical records of Chesterfield County, or anyplace, the Chesterfield District Genealogical Society would love to provide you a place to preserve for your original or copies of your family records.
Please consider donating your historical records to our society or another place of your choice to ensure your family history is safe.
New Website Updates
There are many new record sets that are being inventoried and reviewed for inclusion in the societies Website.
Check out the information we have started to gather for SC250-Chesterfield, the webpage dedicated to our ancestor patriots of the American Revolution in preparation of the 250th Anniversary of the United States of America
Upcoming Meetings and Events
All Society meetings are held at the Old Chesterfield Courthouse, 100 Main Street, Chesterfield SC, 29709 at 3:00 pm on the 2nd Sunday of each Month with the exception of July and December. Currently Meetings are being held across the street in the Chesterfield Branch Library Meeting Room.
Below is a link to the most comprehensive genealogical training calendar available, literally thousands of class, available in person and in a virtual environment. Please check out Conference for all your training, meeting or event needs. We will attempt to highlight some of these events in our calendar as we can.
No events found.Chesterfield Genealogical Society
Guestbook –
Please Leave a message for us.
10 entries.
I am looking for the mothers name for Quincy Fletcher deceased 5 March 1974. Quincy’s maiden name was Melton. I believe her mother is a Rody A but I do not know her maiden name. Thank you for any assistance. Lynne
I have many ancestors from South Carolina. I am currently researching the Newton and Terrell families in the 17/1800's in Marlboro District. I am trying to find a book by the title, 1790 Cheraw District & 1800, 1810 Chesterfield County, S.C. federal census
Authors:Chesterfield County, South Carolina Genealogical Services (Tega Cay, South Carolina) (Editor), James C. Pigg (Editor)
Summary:Names are in alphabetical order
Print Book, English, ©1997
Publisher:The Services & J.C. Pigg, Tega Cay, South Carolina, ©1997.
If you have this book and do look-ups, please let me know ---- or if you know where I can purchase/borrow it. WorldCat lists one copy at the LDS FamilySearch library in SLC. I'm in north Georgia. Thanks for your time!
The Chesterfield District Chapter, S.C.G.S will hold our May meeting on Sunday, May 21st at 3:00 PM Eastern. For those attending in person, the meeting will be held in the back conference room of the Chesterfield Public Library, located at 119 W Main Street, Chesterfield, SC. The meeting will also be available on Zoom, using the link at the end of this message.
This month we are happy to welcome Gale Brown as our guest speaker. He is a graduate of Brigham Young University with a degree in Manufacturing Engineering and is a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. His presentation will include information on the Family History Library in Cheraw including equipment and library hours. He will also discuss the Family Search computer program and what information is available on the Family Search website.
As always, guests are welcome at our meetings. If you have friends or family with an interest in genealogy and history, feel free to share the Zoom link with them or invite them to join us in person at the library.
Topic: Chesterfield Genealogy Zoom Meeting
Time: May 21, 2023 03:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 899 1533 4685
Passcode: 412581
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Looking for info on Mark and Luke Rivers about 1940s and 50s in Chesterfield, SC. Anyone having info, please send me an email.
Welcome to the Chesterfield County Genealogical Webpage. Please leave us a note and tell us a little about yourself, what you are looking for, and any comments or questions you may have.