Aaron Copeland

The State of South Carolina }
Chesterfield District }

On this the 29th day of September AD 1835 appeared in the open court of Common Pleas at Chesterfield Court House, before his Honor A. P. Butler the Presiding Judge of the said Court, Aaron Copeland, aged seventy three or seventy four years who upon oath made th following Declaration in order to obtain a Pension under the Act of Congress passed June 7, 1832; That he was born in Chatham County in the State of North Carolina; that his age was recorded in a family Bible which was burned up in his father’s house when the deponent was quite small; Deponent states his age from a comparison o fit with that of his brother who is yet alive and in two years and a half older than himself. That he was living in Chesterfield District at the time he entered the service and was at the time of his so entering the service not quite sixteen years of age, was drafted by one Benjamin Hicks in the Militia. Deponent’s father applied to Colonel Kolb that Deponent was to near sixteen years old that he has as well served. So that Deponent continued in the service one month at Cheraw Hill in the District and State aforesaid guarding the public provisions deposited there for the army from the North which was expected there. This was in the Spring of the year before Gates defeat at Camden. Received discharge from Captain John Wilson who commanded the forces at Cheraw and returned home. In the fall of the same year or in the winter, was drafted a second time and served one month under Captain Thomas Ellerbe and Colonel Murphy. Marched to Marion’s Camp on the Santee River. Received permission to return home and did so. In the winter or first of Spring of the following year was drafted again and served one month and under Captain Claudius Pegues, in the militia service, on or near the Santee River in Marion’s Camp which were at that time below the High Hills of Santee. When the month expired, deponent returned home. In the fall of the same year deponent volunteered under Captain Joseph Howell under the command of Colonel Wade in a troop of horse, marched from Chesterfield to Hailey’s Ferry on Great Pee Dee River, thence to Bettes; Bridge on Drowning Creek in North Carolina. There was an engagement with the Tories under Colonel Fanning and Colonel Ellrod and Colonel McNeill, Americans were defeated. Deponent lost his horse saddle and bridle and a suit of clothes. After this defeat he returned home having served at this time six weeks. He stayed at home until he was recalled and joined Colonel Wade again as a volunteer in a troop of horse. Sometimes in the month of November in the same year, went up to Anson County to rejoin him, crossed again at Haily’s Ferry and marched down towards Wilmington, North Carolina. Had no engagement. Deponent served four weeks and returned home. In the winter of the same year or the 1stof the succeeding year, deponent went over to Marlborough District South Carolina and volunteered under Captain Pledger of the Militia and served four weeks; marched down toward Wacamaw River and thereabouts in pursuit of one Captain Micijah Quincy who commanded a body of Tories, did not find him and returned home without having any engagement. Deponent has no documentary evidence of his services, but knows on James McMillan and Ripley Copeland who served with him in Marion’s Camps and can testify to his services. He further swears that for the periods above mentioned he was either in the field or in garrison ad was not employed in any civil pursuit. He hereby relinquishes all claim to any Pension except the present and declares that his name is not on the Pension Roll of the Agency of any State.

Sworn to and signed before me }                                 Aaron Copeland
this 29 September 1835 }
John Craig, CCP

South Carolina }
Chesterfield District }

James McMillan swears that Aaron Copeland was in the service of the United States one month in Marion’s Camps and that deponent served with him under Captain Thomas Ellerbe, but does not recollect the year.

Sworn to and signed before me }                                             his
in open court 29 September 1835 }                             James X McMillan
Hugh Craig, QM }                                                                    mark

The State of South Carolina }
Chesterfield District }

On this fourteenth day of May AD one thousand eight hundred and fifty three personally appeared before me J. C. Craig, Ordinary duly authorized to administer oaths within and for the District and State aforesaid Archibald Copeland aged fifty years a resident of Chesterfield District of South Carolina, who being duly sworn according to law declares that he is the son and only living heir of the identical Aaron Copeland who was a private in the Company Commanded by Captain Thomas Ellerbe in the South Carolina Regiment and the Battalion commanded by Major Triss Thomas in the Revolutionary War; that his Father the said Aaron Copeland was honorable discharged at the termination of the war, but if in writing the said discharge was afterwards destroyed by fire when his dwelling and all his property with three or four valuable horses was so consumed and this deponent has no means of ascertaining the exact time when he enlisted or drafted or how long he served. And this deponent further says that he has been informed and believes that his said father intermarried with one Polly Melton deponents mother and the daughter of one Isham Melton of the State and District aforesaid about the year 1784; That Aaron Copeland died about the year 1839 having survived his wife about six or seven years, leaving then children of whom deponent is the soled survivor. All which facts as to the service of the said Aaron will appear by the muster rolls of his Company.

And deponent further says that the said Aaron or anyone for him, has never received any pay whatsoever from the government for his service but died while making preparations to present his application therefore.

This Deponent makes this declaration for the purpose of obtaining the pay, bounty land extra pay pensions and whatever else he may be entitled to in behalf of his said Father’s services under the Act of Congress passed from time to time for that purpose.

Sworn to before me the }
day and year above written and }                            Archibald Copeland
I hereby certify that I believe the }
said Archibald Copeland to be the }
son and sole heir of the identical }
Aaron Copeland who served as aforesaid } 
and that he is of the age above stated }
J. C. Craig, Ordinary C. D.

State of North Carolina }
Anson County }

Personally appeared before me John Grady one of the acting Justices of the peace in and for said County of Anson in the State aforesaid and after being duly sworn on the Holy Evangelist of Almighty God testifies and says as follows, viz, That he was acquainted with Aaron Copeland in this lifetime, that they were born and raised not fat apart in Chesterfield District in South Carolina, that Aaron Copeland intermarried with one Polly Melton the daughter of Isham Melton in the District and State aforesaid as near as he can tell about the year 1784. And that Aaron died sometime about the year 1839. Surviving his wife Polly some few years. He, Claudius Pegues, has good reason to believe that said Aaron Copeland was a soldier in the Continental Army in the Revolutionary War for American Independence, in the Company of Captain Ellerbe. And in the Regiment of Colonel Truss Thomas.

After the war said Aaron Copeland was residing with his family on the land belonging to his father, Wm. Pegues) where his dwelling house was consumed by fire together with his papers and the greater portion of his property of every kind. And further this deponent sayeth not.


  1. D. Grady Signed,
    Claudius Pegues

Sworn to and subscribed before me this 18th day of May in the year of our Lord 1853.

Jno Grady, JP {Seal}

State of North Carolina }
Anson County }

I Norfleet D. Boggan Clerk of Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions for the County aforesaid do hereby certify that John Grady whose name appears attested to the forgoing affidavit of Claudius Pegues was at the time of signing the same an acting Justice of the Peace in and for the County of Anson duly commissioned and qualified and that due faith and credit should be given to his official acts as such ad that the signature purporting to be his is genuine.

In testimony whereof I have hereunto affixed my seal of office and subscribed my name at Wadesboro, this 19th day of May in the year 1853.

Norfleet D. Boggan, Clerk

South Carolina }
Chesterfield District }

Personally appeared before me W. A. Malloy a magistrate I and for said district John Evans and Edward Mulloy who being duly sworn saith that they were acquainted with Aaron Copeland in his life time, that he intermarried with Mary Melton the daughter of Isham Melton, and that said Aaron Copeland died in the year 1839. They further state that they have no reason to doubt but that he was a soldier in the Revolutionary War.

Sworn to before me }
20 May 1853 }                                                 Jno Evans
Wm. A. Malloy }                                               Edward Mulloy

South Carolina }
Chesterfield District }

I J. C. Craig, Clerk of the Court for said District do hereby certify that Wm. A. Malloy before whom the forgoing affidavit was made was at the date thereof an acting Magistrate in aforesaid district duly qualified as such and that his signature thereto is genuine.

Given under my hand and seal of office this 20th day of May 1853.
J. C. Craig, Clerk

(James C. Pigg Note: three or four pages here that I couldn’t read, seems to have been done in Marlboro County, SC and may have been a rejection of claims.)

The State of South Carolina }
Chesterfield District }

Personally comes before me Moses Moore and Miles Hurst who being sworn any that Aaron Copeland father of Archibald Copeland both of the said District and State, departed this life on or about the ninth day of May in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty nine.

Sworn to before me }                                    Moses Moore
August 10th 1854 }                                        Miles Hurst
W. L. T. Prince }
Notary Public } 

South Carolina }
Chesterfield District }

I J. C. Craig, Clerk of the Court for said district do hereby certify that W. L. T. Prince was at the date of the above affidavit a notary public in and for said district duly appointed and qualified and that his signature thereto is genuine.

Given under my hand and seal of Office this 25 August 1854,
J. C. Craig, Clerk

The State of South Carolina }
Chesterfield District }

Personally came before me Claudius Pegues who says on oath that Aaron Copeland of Chesterfield District deceased who was a soldier in the Revolution had three brothers with all of whom deponent was acquainted their names where John. R., Ripley and Mose Copeland.

Sworn to before me
October 2nd 1855                                                 Claudius Pegues
Daniel Douglass, Magistrate

South Carolina }
Chesterfield District }

I Jas C. Craig, Clerk of the Court for said district do hereby certify that Daniel Douglass before whom the forgoing declaration was made was at the date thereof and is still an acting magistrate in and for said district duly qualified and appointed and that his signature thereto is genuine.

Given under my hand and seal of Office at Chesterfield Court House this 3rd day of October 1855. 
J. C.Craig, Clerk

The State of South Carolina }
Chesterfield District }

Ripley Copeland swears that Aaron Copeland served one month in Marion’s Company under Captain Thomas Ellerbe in the Militia service and that Deponent served with him.

Sworn to before me in }
open court 29 September 1835 }                        Ripley Copeland
Hugh Craig, Q N

South Carolina }
Chesterfield District }

We Lewis Gainey a clergyman and Hugh Craig a citizen both residing in the District and State aforesaid do hereby certify that we have been long acquainted with Aaron Copeland who has subscribed and sworn to the forgoing Declaration, that we believe him to be seventy four years of age, that he is reputed and believed in the neighborhood in which he resides to have been a soldier of the Revolution and that we concur in that opinion.

Sworn to and Subscribed before me }                 Lewis Gainey
in open court this 29th September 1835 }           Jung Craig
John Craig, CCP

And the said Court hereby declares its opinion after having investigated the matter and having put the Interrogation prescribed by the War Department that the said Aaron Copeland was a Revolutionary Soldier and served as he has stated. Also that it appears to them that Lewis Gainey is a clergyman and that Hugh Craig is a citizen both residing in the District and State aforesaid ad that their certificate is entitled to full faith and credit.

September 29, 1835
A. P. Butler
Presiding Judge

South Carolina }
Chesterfield District }

I, John Craig, Clerk of th Court of General Sessions and Common Pleas for the District of Chesterfield do hereby certify that the forgoing contains the original proceedings in the matter of the application of Aaron Copeland for a Pension. Also that James McMillan and Ripley Copeland who have subscribed their names as witnesses in behalf of Aaron Copeland are credible persons and that their statement is entitled to credit.

Given under my hand and seal of office this 29 September AD 1835
John Craig, CCD

The State of South Carolina }
Chesterfield District }

On this the 13th day of July AD on thousand eight hundred and fifty three personally appeared before me Benj. C. Cassidy a magistrate duly authorized to administer oaths within and for the District and State aforesaid Thomas Prestwood aged about ninety three year a resident of Chesterfield District in the State of South Carolina, who being duly sworn according to Law declares that he was a Soldier in the company commanded by Captain McGee ad others not recollected in the South Carolina Regiment during a period of the Revolutionary War, at Charleston, that he knew Aaron Copeland the father of Archibald Copeland, who was also in the same company, that the said Copeland served and was honorable discharged, returned home and died. Cannot recollect whether the said Copeland was married at that time or not, said Copeland died with a Grand Complaint so said he cannot recollect exactly when the said Copeland died but thinks about the spring AD 1839.

Sworn to and subscribed before me the 13th day of July AD 1853.

Benj. C. Cassidy                                          his
Magistrate                                      Thomas X Presswood

South Carolina }
Chesterfield District }

I J. C. Craig, Clerk of the Court for said district do hereby certify with all whom it may concur that Benj. C. Cassidy before whom the foregoing affidavit was made was at the date thereof an acting magistrate in and for said district duly appointed and qualified and that his signature thereto is genuine.

Given under my hand and seal of office this 13th day of July 1853.
J. C. Craig, Clerk

Don`t copy text!