Richard Graves
State of North Carolina }
Anson County }
On this day of October 1832, I Reubin Phillips and James Gordon two of the acting Justices of the Peace of Anson County and State of North Carolina at the house of Richard Graves he being very infirm was duly sworn by me according to Law doth on his oath make the following Declaration in order to obtain the benefit of the provision made by the Act of Congress passed June 7th 1832.
That he entered the service of the United States in the Revolutionary War as a Private Soldier by Classment the year 1779 or 1780 but not recollected he resided at that time in the State of South Carolina, Chesterfield District near the North Carolina line but resides now in Anson County, North Carolina and has for many years. He was fifteen years and near two months of age as his Father told him if he recollects right when he was taken into service of the United States and he believes that he will be sixty seven years of age the 30th day of December next 1832, he has no register of his age. He was classed with others and called out into service under Capt. Benjamin Hendricks and Maj. Loyd and marched to Hadley’s Point near Charleston supposed to be one hundred and eighty miles where he served as Guard one month and ten days when his time of service expired but was marched with others to James Island and was continued in service ten days then discharged he returned home continued two or three days at home he then was called out with others and met at Cheraw Hill then and under Capt. Tristram Thomas was marched to Back Swamp on Savannah River and under Col. Oree he continued there a short time then marched to Charleston and on the way had a small fight at Pocataligo with a party of the British, after was the Battle at Stone but was not in it was marched to Charleston and there stationed for sometime the year not recollected his time of service expired he was released by another class and was discharged and returned home, continued two or three months then called out with others of his class under Capt. Thomas Ellibye and marched to Charleston and served under Gen. McIntosh and Gen. Sinckhorn commanded the Regular Army at the time the British besieged and took Charleston and he with the American Army was taken Prisoners of War. He thinks at that time he served three months and sixteen days he does not recollect the year but thinks it was in the Spring of the year he was paroled and returned home and continued under parole till exchanged he does not recollect the length of time. He was called out again in the Class under Capt. Thomas Ellibye and several under Gen. Marion and marched to Santee River from there near Charleston thence back to Sante River his time of service expired and released by another Class was discharged returned home continued two or three months he then was called with the Class under Capt. Morris Murphy and served under Gen. Marion and marched to the round Olee to the South of Charleston thence back to Santee River was then released by the next Class served one month and ten days which was the length of time the Class served discharged and returned home continued two or three months then called out under Lieut. Charles Jackson and served under Gen. Marion up and down Santee River one month and ten days relieved by a Class discharged and returned home continued two or three months then called out under Capt. Brochinton and marched down on Seewe Bay between Georgetown and Charleston from there to Santee River his time of service expired and was relieved by next Class and discharged served one month and ten days returned home after called out to go with others to Guard Charleston he states that he continued serving in the above way to the end of the War.
The above statement is just as far as now recollected his discharges and parole he has lost but can prove his service by Thomas Davis who served with him at the time the British took Charleston and was taken Prisoner and served several tours of duty together. He states Davis resided in the same neighborhood at that time and does yet. He further states that he could also prove his service in part by another man who resided in the same neighborhood then and does yet who served with him on behalf of his country then, turn Tory, he does not like to call on such evidence of service.
He states that he was brought into the service so young and illiterate and served so many calls and marched from place to place that it is impossible for him to recollect all the particulars at this time, month or year and that he has never received any pay for his services.
He hereby relinquishes every claim whatever to a pension or annuity except the present and declares that his name is not on the Pension Roll of the agency of any State, Sworn to and subscribed the day and year aforesaid.
Richard Graves (his mark)
Reuben Phillips, JP
J. Gordon
And at the same time and place personally appeared before me Reuben Phillips and James Gordon two of the acting Justices of the Peace of the County and State aforesaid Thomas Davis who being duly sworn according to Law deposeth and sayeth that he is well acquainted with Richard Graves the above named applicant that he served with him in the Revolutionary War, and that he was in service with him when Charleston was taken by the British and was taken Prisoner with him and believes him to be a faithful Soldier that the statement set forth by the said Richard Graves in the above Declaration are true so far as my serving with said Graves and that he resided in the same neighborhood at the time and does yet, Sworn to and subscribed day and date aforesaid.
Reuben Phillips, JP Thomas Davis (his mark)
J. Gordon
And we Reiley Smith, John White subscribers do certify that we reside in the same State and neighborhood of Thomas Davis and has for many years and am well acquainted with said Davis and he is entitled to credit.
Sworn to and subscribed day and date aforesaid.
Reuben Phillips, JP Reiley Smith
J. Gordon John White
I Joel Gulledge Clergyman do certify that he is well acquainted with Rilah Smith, John White who is subscriber to the above certificate that they are entitled to credit.
Sworn to and subscribed day and date aforesaid.
Reuben Phillips, JP Joel Gulledge
J. Gordon
I Joel Gulledge Clergyman do certify that he resides in the same State County and neighborhood of Richard Graves the above applicant and am well acquainted with him forty eight years and he has been a respectable member of the church for many years and continues so that he believes him to be of the age herein stated that he is reputed to have been a Soldier of the Revolutionary and entitled to credit.
Sworn to and subscribed day and date aforesaid.
Reuben Phillips, JP Joel Gulledge
J. Gordon
And the said Reuben Phillips, James Gordon two am well acquainted and has been for many years with Richard Graves the above applicant do hereby declare his opinion after the investigation of the matter and after putting the interrogation prescribed by the War Department the above named applicant was a Soldier of the Revolution and served as stated and he is entitled to credit.
Reuben Phillips, JP
J. Gordon