Thomas Prestwood
South Carolina } Court of Common Pleas
Darlington District } Fall Term 1832
On this the 11th day of October AD 1832 personally appeared in Open Court before the Judges of the Court of Common Pleas now sitting, Thomas Prestwood a resident of Darlington District and State of South Carolina aged seventy one years on the 11th January 1833 who being first duly sworn according to Law doth on his oath make the following Declaration in order to obtain the benefit of the Act of Congress passed June 7, 1832.
That he entered the service of the United States under the following named officers and served as herein stated. Captain Jacob Johnson of the Militia was the first officer under whom he served. He was drafted by said Johnson in Chesterfield District South Carolina about a year before the Declaration of Independence the term was one month – went from Chesterfield to Georgetown South Carolina – thence to SeWee Bay, thence to Hadville Point thence to Fort Johnston where he stayed until his time was out and his discharged and returned to Chesterfield District. Sometime afterwards he was drafted again and served under Captain Thomas Ellerbe at Cheraw South Carolina. This was the place of rendervous for the companies from the three Districts of Chesterfield, Marlborough and Darlington. The particular object of the expedition the Deponent does not recollect. He knows however that the men from these Districts under the command of Major Robert Loyd CarLide (or Loid/Lloyd, pronounced Lide) marched from Cheraw to Orangeburg – thence to Black Swamp – thence to Purysburg where they stayed about two weeks when the British from the State of Georgia came upon them and forced them to flee to Charleston for safety. They marched Charleston by rapid marching in time to save themselves. There was an engagement however before they reached Charleston. General Moutrie who commanded the Americans detached three hundred picked men to destroy the Bridge at Coosahatchie which the American had passed and which the British had yet to pass in their pursuit of the Americans. This was done as Deponent believes for the purpose of checking the progress of the British and securing the retreat of the Americans. As to this however the Deponent does not speak with confidence in as such as he was, but a private Soldier and his only duty was to obey orders – He was one of those three hundred who went back to Coosahatchie to destroy the Bridge, this they effected – Col. Lawrence had the command of the detachment. He was wounded at the Bridge in the arm by a Ball – his horse was likewise shot through the hops – As soon as the Bridge was broke down this detachment hurried on to overtake the main body which they (srouded) in doing about ten miles off. On the day after the Americans marched Charleston the British Red Coats came in sight and on that night they kept up a warm fire on the British – the day afterwards a white flag was sent into Charleston by the British commander demanding a surrender of the town. No attention was paid to it and they (the British) moved on to Stono. Deponent was sent with a detachment to assist and ? In the Battle at Stono but did not reach there in time, he got as far as Wappoo cut and stayed there until the British had quit Stono and gone to John’s Island. The detachment then returned to Charleston where Deponent stayed until he had completed the tour of five months when he received his discharge and returned home. His discharge was handed to him by Capt. Ellerbe but he does not know who signed it. Deponent saw a great many of the Regular Soldiers and Officers whilst he was in Charleston but doesn’t recollect any of their names. It was no part of his duty to inquire – and if he heard without inquiring he has forgotten them and in addition to this time was but little intercourse between the Soldiers in the Militia and those in the Regular Service. The next he was drafted was when the British were at Monks Corneron Cooper River. He joined General Francis Marion on Santee River ? Ferry. He was in a small engagement during this draft. Deponent was out, (as a mounted Militia man) on a short excursion with Col. (Mayums ?) Light Horse Company when they came across a part of sixteen British who were sent out to reconoiter them, they pursued and in the distance of three miles succeeded in taking everyone of them by killing four. He knows of nothing else worth relating during this Draft which lasted for one month in camped. The balance of his service as a Soldier was of this character. The Militia of Craven County (now called Chesterfield, Darlington and Marlboro Districts) were divided into three parts who were out ? In camps for one month at a time. It was so arranged that two thirds of the Militia companies were always at home as a protection from the Tories whilst the other third was with Gen. Marion on foreign duty. He (this Deponent) served in this manner between two and three years always turning out when his duty required it. At these times he served sometimes under Capt. Alexander McIntosh, Capt. Joseph Jones, Capt. Daniel Sparks and others, whose names he does not at present recollect. He was born in Chesterfield District South Carolina on the 11th day of January 1762, his age was recorded in a Book by his father which Book was lost on the death of his father. He has already stated when he live when called into the Service and the manner in which he served. Since the Revolutionary War he has lived in Chesterfield District and Darlington District in the latter of which places he now lives. He has no documentary evidence of his services – his discharges he has lost long since not supposing they would ever be of service to him he took but little care of them and has lost them long since. The general circumstances of his services he has also stated according to the best of his recollection. Dates he has forgotten but he has referred to events which may point to them accurately enough. He is known to John Powell, Nathan Moor, Caleb Coker, Shadrick Johnson, William Beasley and many other gentleman of respectability who live in his neighborhood who can testify as to his character for veracity and their belief of his services as a Soldier of the Revolution. He hereby relinquishes every claim whatever to a pension or annuity except the present and declares that his name is not on the Pension Roll of the agency of any State.
Sworn to and signed the date and year aforesaid. He swears also that William Coy and Samuel Cox were with him in the Revolutionary War and could testify to his services but he is not able to procure their attendance in Court in as much as they live in Marlboro District – Also that it’s out of his power to procure a clergyman to certify as to his character. Thomas Mason a clergyman resident in his neighborhood is sick so that he cannot procure his attendance.
Thomas Prestwood
B.J. Earle
Presiding Judge of the Court of Common Pleas and Sessions in Open Court of Darlington Courthouse in the State and District aforesaid.
South Carolina }
Darlington District }
Personally appeared before me and made oath John Powell that he has been acquainted with Thomas Prestwood who has subscribed and sworn to the above Declaration for forty years past – that the said Prestwood has maintained a fair and irreproachable character in his neighborhood where he is well known – that he is generally reputed and believed to have been a Soldier of the Revolution and that he the said Powell concurs in that opinion.
Sworn to and signed the day and year aforesaid .
B.J. Earle John Powell
Presiding Judge as aforesaid
And the said Court do hereby declare their opinion after the investigation of the matter and after putting the interrogations prescribed by the War Department that the above named applicant was a Revolutionary Soldier and served as he states. And the Court further certifies that it appears to them that John Powell who has signed the above Certificate is a resident of Darlington District and that his statement is entitled to credit.
B.J. Earle
Presiding Judge
South Carolina
Darlington District
I John B. Brice, Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas for the District and State aforesaid do hereby certify that I am acquainted with John Powell who has subscribed the above affidavit that his statement is entitled to credit – that I am not acquainted with Thomas Prestwood but have full faith as to anything said of him by Mr. John Powell. I do further certify that the forgoing contains the original proceedings of the Court in the matter of the application of Thomas Prestwood for a Pension.
Given under my hand and seal of the Court this October 16th 1832.