Hardy Sellers

State of North Carolina }        Declaration of
Anson County }                        Hardy Sellers

On this 12th day of August 1834 personally appeared before me James Gordon one of the acting Justice of the Peace of Anson County – Hardy Sellers a Soldier of the Revolution he being very infirm aged 77 years who being first duly sworn according to law doth on his oath make the following Declaration in order to obtain the benefit of the Act of Congress passed June 7, 1832 – That he entered the service of the United States under the following named offices and served as herein stated he was a volunteer to serve in behalf of the United States in the year 1776 or 1777 as well as he recollects the day or month he does not recollect. I was a private in Capt. McMainenes Company called out by the authority of the State of South Carolina and march to Hadley Point near Charleston, South Carolina and from Hadley’s Point to James Island and there remained until we were discharged. Served two months in actual service. Also in the year that Charleston was taken by the British I was a volunteer and served a tour of three months in actual service. I with a number of others marched under Capt. Griffy to Georgetown then to Lynches Crossway on Santee River then back to Georgetown again and from place to place until discharged. I think the troops was commanded by Col. McIntosh. Served three months and was discharged – and in the same year that Gen. Gates was defeated I was a volunteer to serve three months. Marched under Capt. Stephen Jackson to Lynches Creek against the British and Tories then from place to place until discharged by our officers. Served three months in actual services – after the above service we were all laid off into divisions first second and third and so on and each division was to serve as it come to his turn. The tours was to be a month at a time. I served two tours of division service with Capt. Griffy under Gen. Marion. Marched up and down Santee River after the British and Tories until discharged. Served two months and was discharged by our officers – Also I served two tours of a month in each tour with Capt. Jackson under Gen. Marion in pursuit of British and Tories also two tours with Lieutenant Jones and two tours with Lieutenant Charles Jackson of Division Service under Gen. Marion making in all my service so far as I can recollect a period of sixteen months for which I claim a pension but it is far short of all my services rendered the United States during the Revolutionary War as I was called out after the company was laid off in divisions to march under Gen. Marion it is impossible for me to make any further statement at present – I have no papers to prove any services nor do I know of any person now living by whom I could prove my services except one man and he turned a Tory after we had served together one tour. I could not think of making use of his testimony.

  • Q1: Where and in what year were you born?

Ans: In Johnson County, NC, March 2, 1757 

  • Q2: Have you any record of your age and if so, where is it?

Ans: No written record by my parents has told me I was born March 2, 1757 

  • Q3: Where were you living when called into service and where have you lived ever since the Revolutionary War and where do you now live?

Ans: I lived in South Carolina, Chesterfield District near the North Carolina line and has continued to live there ever since. 

  • Q4: How were you called into service, were you drafted, did you volunteer or were you a substitute and if a substitute, for whom?

Ans: A volunteer or division or clasment service. 

  • Q5: State the names of some of the regular officers who were with the troops where you served such continental and malitia regiments as you can recollect and the general circumstances of your serivce.

Ans: Gen. Green thou I was with him but a short time. Gen. Marion these were continental officers as I understood. Col. McIntosh, Col. Murphy, Capt. Griffy, Capt. Jackson and Capt. McMannes, Lieutenance Jones and Jackson, these were malitia officers at the time of my service. 

  • Q6: Did you ever receive a discharge from the service and if so by whom, when was it given and what has become of it?

Ans: I received written discharges from my different officers but what has become of them I know not. 

  • Q7: State the names of persons to whom you are known in your present neighborhood and who can testify to your character for veracity and their belief of your service as a soldier of the Revolution.

Ans: John Phillips, Rev. Joel Gulledge, Col. Ratliff, Peter May Esq.

He hereby relinquishes every claim whatever to a pension or annuity except the present and declare his name is not on the pension role of the agency of any State whatever the reasons for making application in North Carolina is I live near the State line and is most convenient for me in my helpless situation. Sworn to and subscribed the day and year above.

Test J Gordan, JP                  Hardy Sellers

We Joel Gulledge Clergyman residing in the same County and State and neighborhood and John Phillips residing in the same, we hereby certify that we are well acquainted with Hardy Sellers the applicant who has subscribed and sworn to the above declaration that we believe him to be of the age therein stated that he is reputed and believed in the neighborhood where he resides to have been a soldier in the Revolutionary War and that we concur in the opinion.

Sworn to and subscribed the day and year aforesaid.

Test J.; Gordan – JP             Joel Gulledge Sr.
John Phillips

I James Gordon do hereby declare my opinion after the investigation of the matter and after putting the interrogation prescribed by the war department that the above named applicant was a Revolutionary Soldier and served as he states.

I further certify that it appears to me that Joel Gulledge who has signed the preceding certificate is a clergyman residing in the County of Anson and State of North Carolina and that John Phillips who has also signed the same is a resident in the County of Anson and State of North Carolina and is a credible person and that their statement is entitled to credit.

I also certify that Hardy Sellers the above named applicant is so inform and helpless that he could not trail to a court of record with any convenience and that the way he has here proceeded is most easy for him in his inform and helpless situation.

  1. Gordan, JP

William Desmukes, Clerk County Court certifies that James Gordon is a Magistrate for County 15th August 1834.

State of North Carolina, Anson County

This may certify that I knew Mr. Hardy Sellers in the Revolutionary War, we both belong and muster in Capt. Griffys Company we were laid off into divisions or in classes each class served as it come to its turn. I belong to one class and Hardy Sellers to another and that he was a friend to his country and served as it come to his turn and that his statement as a Soldier of the Revolution is entitled to credit. Also I have known him ever since the Revolutionary War and that he continues to be a man of veracity, November 14, 1834.

Test J. Gordan                  Richard Graves (his mark)

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