Moab Stevens
The State of South Carolina
On this the twenty sixth? day of September in the year of our Lord on thousand eight hundred and thirty two, personally appeared in open court Moab Stevens before Baylis J. Earle one of the circuit judges of the said State and presiding Judge of the Court of Common Pleas in an for the District of Chesterfield and State aforesaid who being first duly sworn according to Law, maketh oath to the following declaration in order to obtain the benefit of th Act of Congress passed on the 7th June 1832. That he was born in the month of September, 1755 in Johnston County and State of North Carolina. That about twenty years of age he removed to Bladen County in the last state mentioned where he resided until March 1786 when he removed to the District of Lancaster where he resided twenty six years when he removed to Chesterfield District where he now resides and has resided since his removal from Lancaster District. That in the month of February 1776 the militia of Bladin County (among other of the militias) were ordered to rendevous at Rock fish in Cumberland County, North Carolina against the Tories who were then assembled at Cross Creek (now Fayetteville). Then we marched in pursuance of orders under the command of ??? ???? Smith the Major was James Richardson, his Colonel was Thomas Robeson and the whole detachment was command by General Moore. That his brigade advanced in the direction of Fayettville. The Tories crossed the Cape Fear River and were attacked and defeated by General Caswell’s Brigade. That he was in service at that time to the best of his recollection six weeks. That from the above period until the year 1781 he was frequently out in small detachments and for short periods against the Tories sometimes for a week only and at other times longer. That in the month of November 1781 he was compelled to leave his home, by the Tories. He went to the Cape Fear River (20 miles below Fayetteville) thence from that time to the first of September 1782 he was at least ??? ??? of that time in actual service sometimes under the command of Captain William McDaniel and during the whole time the Regiment was commanded by Colonel Robeson. He as in one skirmish and defeat of the Tories at ??? River, that was about July 1782. The next engagement with the Tories was in Elizabeth Town August 1782 in which the Tories were defeated. he recollects the names of only two of the Captains who commanded the Tories at the ??? ??? Mobley Heawborough ??? at the (James C. Pigg Note: this part very difficult to read, but he does state that he did not know of any one who served with him that was still living) He hereby relinquishes every claim whatsoever to a pension or annuity except the present and declares that his name is not on the pension roll of the agency of any State whatsoever.
Sworn to and subscribed the day and year Moab Stevens
above stated.
B. J. Earle Presiding Judge of the
Court of Common Pleas and Sessions at
Chesterfield Court House
And the said Court do hereby declares their opinion after the Investigation of the matter and after putting the Interrogation prescribed by the War Department that the above named applicant is a Revolutionary Soldier and served as he states. And the court further certifies that it appears to them that the Reverend William Hudson who hath signed the succeeding certificate is a clergyman resident in Chesterfield District and that Michael Miller who hath signed the 2nd annexed certificate is also resident in the same district and State. That they are respectable persons and are worthy of full benefit confidence and credit.
B. S. Earle
Presiding Judge
South Carolina }
Chesterfield District }
The Reverend William Hudson appeared before me and made oath that he has for several years resided in the neighborhood of Moab Stevens, that he believes him to be of the age he has represented that he is reputed and believed in the neighborhood in which he resides to have been a Revolutionary Soldier and that he ???? ??? believed it to be true. That Mr. Stevens character stands ??? and respectable that he knows no cause why his integrity should be ever questioned. He further states that he is well acquainted with Mr. Miller who has signed below and that his character stands fair, unimpeached and unimpeachable.
Sworn to before me this
27th day of September 1832 William Hudson
B. J. Earle
Presiding Judge
in open court at
Court House in the District
and State aforesaid.
Michael Miller of the District of Chesterfield and State aforesaid states that he has been acquainted with Moab Stevens for upwards of thirty years and while he resided in the District of Lancaster and has for the last few years been a near neighbor , that he was always reputed and informly believed to have been a soldier of the Revolution and of which has never doubted. Mr. Stevens character has always been fair and has not known his veracity questioned.
Sworn to in open court
this 27th day of September 1832 Michael Miller
B. J. Earle
Presiding Judge
in open court at Chesterfield CH
in the State and District aforesaid
The State of South Carolina }
Chesterfield District }
Before me Richard Gantt one of the Judges of the said State and presiding Judge at Chesterfield Court House, fall term 1833, personally appeared Moab Stevens who being duly sworn in open court, deposeth and saith that by reason of old age and consequent loss of memory he cannot swear positively as to the precise length of his service, but according to the best of his recollection he served not less than the periods below mentioned, as a private volunteer soldier in the militia of the State of North Carolina for more than two years as is more particularly set forth in detail in the annexed Declaration which has been heretofore made before this Court and sent to the War Department viz, Commencing in February 1776, six weeks, that from the conclusion of that service to the year 1781 he was in the service at least one year and an half and his impression and belief is that he was about one third of that time in actual service and most generally for short tours of duty, the militia of his county were divided into three classes and one class was always on duty in that and the adjoining counties; that from the last mentioned period to March 1783 he was constantly in service except absent on furlough for a few days at each time. That he hired a substitute for three months which is more particularly set forth in his former declaration; that deponent is positive he served at least two years during the Revolutionary War and to which service he claims a pension. The Deponent further declares that he never according to his recollection took any written discharge from the service or if he did the same has long since been lost or destroyed. The Deponent further states that he does not know that any of persons who served with him are now alive or if alive where they live now, That he has not been in his former place of residence for seventeen years and does not know who among his fellow soldiers now live and that he is therefore unable to procure the testimony of any witness as to his actual service.
Sworn to before me }
this 1st day of October 1833 } Moab Stevens
Richard Gantt
Presiding Judge
The State of South Carolina
Chesterfield District
I John Craig, Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas for the District and in the State aforesaid do hereby certify that the forgoing contains the original amendment to the former Declaration of Moab Stevens for the purpose of obtaining a pension from the United States for Revolutionary service and that the same was done in open court.
In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal of my office at Chesterfield Court House this first day of October Anno Domino 1833,
John Craig, CCD